“Promise. Now that I’ve found you, I’m not losing you.”

And Vanessa meant it. This woman she was now holding in her arms she intended to keep holding in her arms no matter where life took them.

Megan propped herself up on one elbow so she could meet Vanessa’s eyes.

“I’m sorry in advance for how difficult this will be for you,” she said. “For what it’s worth, before I met you, this was a no-brainer for me but now I wouldn’t want to move to New York without you.”

“Don’t say that,” Vanessa insisted. “This promotion is a big deal. Do you realize that you will be an inspiration to all the little girls out there who want to have a career in technology?”

Megan made a face.

“You think so?”

“Absolutely! A female vice-president of a major software company at twenty-seven-years-old? As soon as we get to New York, I’m calling the New York Times to tell them to do a profile on you.”

Megan giggled; it was still among Vanessa’s favorite sounds.

“I just wish there was something other than me in New York to make it all worth it for you,” Megan eventually said before chuckling and continuing with, “Too bad you’re not Sophia.”

Vanessa laughed and pinched Megan’s hip.

“Oh, is that who you’d rather be with now?” she asked in mock indignation.

Megan kissed her.

“Of course not. It’s just that Sophia has…her…”

Megan’s voice trailed off and Vanessa watched as her brows knitted and her eyes got a far-off look to them, her mind obviously chewing on something.

“Sophia has her what?” Vanessa prodded.

“I wonder if…” Megan muttered.


Suddenly, Megan scrambled out of Vanessa’s arms and up off the couch.

“Megan?” Vanessa asked, feeling alarmed now.

“Huh? Oh, sorry! I have to go make a phone call!”

And then, completely nude, Megan sprinted for the staircase and bounded up to the second floor, leaving Vanessa alone and utterly confused on the couch.


Six months later

Megan felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find the love and light of her life standing behind her.

“Guess what?” Vanessa asked. “Although I’m not sure you’re going to like it.”

Megan’s heart began racing and her eyes widened in alarm. She wanted tonight to be perfect.


“‘Anastasia Number Three’ just sold,” Vanessa told her.