“I fell in love with you.”

Megan gasped. Yes, the world had stopped spinning. Time had stopped moving. This was the only moment in existence.

Again, taking a firm hold on the back of Vanessa’s head, she pulled Vanessa in for another kiss. It was a deep kiss, her tongue penetrating immediately into Vanessa’s mouth, her soft lips claiming ownership of Vanessa’s. Vanessa surrendered to kiss completely.

When Megan pulled away, she saw tears streaming from Vanessa’s eyes.

“I love you too,” Megan said, sniffling. “I tried not to fall in love, I promise, but I couldn’t help it. It was, like, from the first time I saw you I knew I was going to love you.”

“I knew too,” Vanessa told her. “Boom, remember? I saw you that first time and knew I could be in very serious trouble one day.”

“Because you sensed I was a troublemaker?” Megan asked t


Vanessa laughed but then placed her hand on Megan’s cheek.

“No, because I sensed I had finally found someone worth losing my heart to,” she told Megan.

Megan struck again for another kiss. She wanted to keep kissing this woman until the next week or the next year. When this kiss ended, she said, “Oh my God, I love you, Vanessa. What do we do, though?”

Blowing out a breath, Vanessa shook her head. “I don’t know.”

“You’re the older and wiser one, though,” Megan said with a smirk, sniffling. “Can’t you figure something out?”

“Okay, so, first of all, you’re gonna pay for that ‘older and wiser’ crack,” Vanessa said, tapping Megan’s bottom. “Secondly, aren’t you the tech genius? Can’t you just write an app that helps us stay together?”

Megan giggled.

“You’re silly,” she said. “But, seriously…”

“I don’t know what we do, Megan. But let’s promise each other that we’ll try to make this happen. Because I want this, Megan. I want you.”

“I want this too, Vanessa,” Megan replied. “I want you.”


The next day, it was after four-thirty by the time Megan was able to log-off her BeachSoft laptop.

Fuck me!

She leaned back in her office chair and blew out a breath. The day had basically been another marathon session of Sophia teaching Megan how to do Sophia’s job, since Megan was going to be BeachSoft’s New York Sophia. The day had seemed even more exhausting because Megan had pretty much stayed seated in her office chair the entire time, getting up only to pee occasionally and to grab a quick lunch from downstairs.

Getting up from her chair, Megan winced at how tight her muscles all felt. She needed to get the hell out of the house and go for a nice long walk.

In her bedroom, she sent a text to Vanessa.

Done for the day! I need to get out of the house and so I’m going for a walk.

Having done that, she stripped out of her work clothes, chose cream-colored yoga pants and a pink racerback workout shirt to put on and then pulled her hair into a messy bun. Her phone pinged.

You should come by LVM! It’s slow now and I miss you.

The message ended with a kissy face emoji and Megan melted.

She was actually super glad Vanessa suggested stopping by because Megan desperately wanted to see her, not only because she could never get enough of seeing the woman she was in love with, but because throughout the day—mostly when she was kind of zoning out during her sessions with Sophia—Megan had been trying to solve the problem of how her and Vanessa could make a relationship—a real relationship—work, and she thought she now had a plan. The tricky part was getting Vanessa to go along with it.
