“I do,” Vanessa croaked, tears beginning to well up again.

“Like, no bullshit, no fucking around love her?”

Vanessa cleared her throat so her next answer would be clearer.

“No bullshit, Abby. I love her so much.”

There was a pause.

“I believe you,” Abby finally said. “Now, here’s what I need you to do…”

Chapter 44

Megan was wondering what was taking Abby so long.

They had both come upstairs to go to bed and had even settled in and turned off the lights when Abby had suddenly said she needed to call Kat and tell her goodnight, but that she’d do it downstairs. Megan had suspected that was because Abby didn’t want Megan to overhear her being all lovey-dovey to Kat, which would kind of ruin Abby’s reputation.

Megan had started drifting off to sleep when she heard the bedroom door open and then Abby get into bed with her. As she began falling asleep again, a smile came to Megan’s face.

Why haven’t I ever noticed how much Abby smells like Vanessa?


Or sounds like Vanessa?

Megan’s eyes shot open.

No way!

She reached for the bedside lamp, switched it on and then turned to her other side.

There in bed next to her was Vanessa.

“Oh, my fucking God!” Megan squealed, bringing her hands to her mouth, her eyes wide over them as she took in the vision of Vanessa in her bed. The other woman was dressed in jeans and a simple white tee, but to Megan’s eyes, she looked angelic.

Vanessa, meanwhile, was looking at Megan uncertainly, as if afraid to speak.

Megan decided this was not a time for words anyway. Reaching out, she took hold of the back of Vanessa’s head and initiated a slow and deep kiss.

When their lips parted company, Megan asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Abby called me,” Vanessa said. “She let me in. Told me to come up here and get my woman.”

Megan knew tears were falling from her eyes but she didn’t care.

“Where is she now?”

“Said she was going home,” Vanessa returned. She reached out and gently brushed some hair off Megan’s face and then kept her hand on Megan’s shoulder. Megan felt alive at the touch.

Vanessa stared at her.



“I did something wrong,” Vanessa said. The intensity of her gaze increased and Megan now was sure the world had stopped spinning.

“What did you do wrong?”