“Yeah, but she’s kind of still getting her shit together, you know? And I prefer women who already have their shit together. Like you.”

In her heart, Megan knew there was nothing to fear from Chloë, Megan having never gotten a vibe from Chloë that Vanessa was in her sights. Nonetheless, she at least wanted to hear it from Vanessa.

Of course, what difference will it make when I’m in New York?

Vanessa gave Megan another quick kiss and then took Megan’s hand and started leading her out of the bedroom.

“You promised pizza,” she said, “let’s go. And don’t worry about Chloë. Besides, I’m so glad nothing ever developed between us like that because I can’t tell you how valuable she is at the shop. But I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t still be working there if she was an ex. And she definitely would have turned into an ex,” Vanessa added in a whisper.

Chapter 37

After heating up a couple of slices of pizza, Vanessa and Megan went out to the deck to join the others, who they found gathered in a circle around a fire pit that somehow looked like a piece of modern art. Everyone was paired up: Chloë with Sienna, Abby with Kat, Desiree snuggling against Angela.

Chloë had made more of her potent punch and a pitcher of it was on a nearby table. She poured Vanessa and Megan two cups of it. Vanessa took it with some trepidation; the last thing she wanted was to be hungover tomorrow morning. After taking a sip of it, she knew she’d have to pace herself.

The night had gotten chilly and it was Sienna who eventually got up from the group, ran into the house and then returned a few minutes later with an armload of blankets.

“I found these in a hall closet,” she said, distributing them, one to each couple.

“Rock star!” Vanessa said, taking the blanket and draping it over her and Megan’s laps in the loveseat they were sharing. Megan cuddled closer and Vanessa felt her heart swell.

After about half an hour, Desiree and Angela said they were calling it an early night because they wanted to watch the sunrise on the beach tomorrow, and both got up and left.

“Make sure the window is closed!” Abby stage-whispered when there was no chance of the departing women hearing her. Megan, Sienna and Kat all laughed, but Vanessa and Chloë shared a confused look and so Megan took it upon herself to fill them in about the incident earlier today, including the pine cone through the window.

“I’ll say this, though, apparently Angela knows what she’s doing,” Megan finished with, bringing a fresh round of laughter from the women.

The conversation then shifted from topic to topic for a while. Vanessa

was content to let the others do the talking while she simply sat back and relaxed, glad to be off her feet, enjoying being outdoors, being with her friends and enjoying how close Megan was. Underneath the blanket, Megan’s right hand was resting on Vanessa’s left thigh, her fingertips lightly playing along Vanessa’s skin.

Vanessa realized that she was as happy now as she’d ever been. Okay, her coffeeshop needed to make more money otherwise it too would be a casualty of Covid like so many other small businesses, but tonight, here on the deck, with Megan next to her, Vanessa was feeling the type of optimism she hadn’t felt in a long time.

Speaking of which, Vanessa realized that Chloë was telling the others about her ideas for generating more money for La Vida Mocha.

When she was done, Abby said, “Totally! Play up the lesbian angle, Vanessa. Carlsbad is only getting gayer every day, and it’s not like we pay with Monopoly money.”

“Chloë is brilliant,” Vanessa said. “I’m putting her in charge of Operation Hashtag Lesbian.”

“Coffee flights,” Megan said simply.

Vanessa looked at Megan, her knitted brows demanding further explanation for the non-sequitur. The others were waiting also.

Finally, Megan went on.

“Well, you know how wineries do wine tastings by giving people wine flights? You could do the same with coffee. Offer three or four cups of different blends or roasts or whatever you call them for the customer to try. You could even put the cups on one of those flight paddles for presentation. Then you can explain what each coffee is like, where it comes from, what kind of flavors it has, et cetera.”

Vanessa stared at Megan; mouth open.

Fuck, that’s a good idea!

Megan continued, her brow furrowed the way Vanessa noticed it did when Megan was focusing on something.

“Maybe you charge ten or twelve bucks for it. Ooh! You know what you could do? You could pair each coffee with a piece of chocolate that you and Chloë think goes good with that particular roast. Or maybe some biscotti. Ooh! And then if someone likes a particular coffee, they could buy a bag of it to brew at home!”

“That’s actually a really good idea, Vanessa,” Kat said. “In fact, if you don’t use it, I’m going to open my own coffeeshop and steal it.”

Vanessa looked over at Chloë who gave her a wordless Let’s do it! nod.