“That sweet little Megan has a dark side?”

Megan wiggled her eyebrows.

“I only show it to people I really, really like,” she said, taking Vanessa’s lips again for another kiss.

“Have you eaten?” Megan asked when the kiss broke.

“No, and I’m starving!” Vanessa stated.

“For taking such good care of me just now, let me make you something,” Megan said.


Megan laughed.

“We ordered pizza earlier and there’s a ton left. I’ll heat you up a couple of slices.”

“Well, you get dressed and do that. I need to clean up and change my underwear first. In addition to the occasional dirty thoughts I had about you while I was working, fucking you just now has made me soaked.”

The thought of how wet Vanessa must be right now was priming Megan’s center for some more attention. She reached down and cupped Vanessa’s jeans-clad ass.

“Shall we…?”

Vanessa purred but then shook her head and got off of Megan.

“After I’ve eaten. I don’t want anything distracting me while you have your wicked way with me.”

Megan watched Vanessa open her suitcase to pull out clean panties and gym shorts. As Vanessa headed to the bathroom, she asked, “How was it hanging out with Sienna?”

“Oh, she’s super cool!” Megan answered, getting off the bed and finding her own underwear and shorts. “I’ve decided we like her.”

From in the bathroom, Vanessa chuckled and said, “I’m glad we like her.”

“Oh, but she did tell me something interesting,” Megan began. She went to lean against the door of the bathroom. Vanessa was just pulling on the shorts, her jeans crumpled on the floor at her feet. Once the shorts were on, Vanessa then examined her appearance in the mirror.

“What did she tell you?” Vanessa asked, finger-combing her hair a bit to neaten it back up.

“Oh, only that Chloë has a thing for older women.”

“Mm, yeah, I know; Chloë told me,” Vanessa replied, still fixing her hair.

“Well, I just want to make sure Chloë doesn’t have a thing for a particular older woman. Especially one she spends all week working with.”

Vanessa smiled, approached Megan and put her arms around her waist.

“I like your jealousy,” Vanessa told her. “Maybe you want to put bite marks on my ass later?”

Megan cocked an eyebrow.

“And on your boobs, and on your thighs…just to be safe.”

Vanessa gave her a quick kiss.

“I already told you; Chloë is harmless. She and I are so much like sisters now it would feel incestuous to even hold her hand for more than a second. Besides, if something was going to happen between Chloë and I, it would have happened a long time ago. Then there’s the fact that as much as I love the little twerp, she doesn’t really do it for me.”

Megan gave her a doubtful look.

“She’s, like, super pretty, Vanessa. And funny.”