Vanessa licked her lips. There it was: that perfect right hip from the photo, with its absolutely flawless skin, just waiting for her. Vanessa’s mouth salivated as her eyes took in not only the hip but the curve of Megan’s ass. She brought her face down to Megan’s skin and smelled the cherry blossom body wash Megan favored mixed with chlorine from the pool.

Vanessa reached out her tongue and ran it along Megan’s flesh, eliciting a purr from the woman.

But that was enough foreplay, Vanessa thought. Time for the real action. She bared her teeth and then lowered her head.

Chapter 36

Megan had thought Vanessa was going to go down on her. Megan had needed Vanessa to go down on her because all day long Megan had been thinking about Vanessa going down on her. And when her shorts had been pulled off, Megan had spread her legs, ready for Vanessa to go down on her. But Vanessa had said “Uh-uh,” forced her onto her side and surprised her with alternative plans.

The first nibbles on her right hip were gentle but then they got harder, more insistent. Megan gasped as her clit pulsed at the pain/pleasure Vanessa was causing, her center getting slicker and slicker until it couldn’t be contained and she felt arousal leaking out onto her thighs. Vanessa kept biting, occasionally pulling with her teeth, occasionally sucking as she bit, occasionally just clamping down and holding Megan’s captive flesh, the pain radiating out from the bite and going straight for her core. Megan felt her dark side awaken; the side Cindy never understood.

“Harder,” she commanded Vanessa after a gentle nibble and then winced as Vanessa obeyed. Megan reached up under her shirt, to her own breasts which were still in the bralette she had put on after changing out of her bikini. She pulled aside one of the cups and pinched her stone-hard nipple.

“I’m marking my territory, Megan,” Vanessa murmured. “You better fucking show these off; let everyone know you’re taken.”

Megan groaned, Vanessa’s words turning her on even more.

At the same time that Vanessa moved from Megan’s hip and started biting Megan’s ass, Vanessa slid her hand between Megan’s legs, found her swollen and wet folds with her fingers and pushed two inside easily.

“Oh God,” Megan sighed as the fingers entered her and then curled, hitting her spot. She pushed against them, driving them deeper. She gave a little yelp when Vanessa’s teeth took hold of another piece of her ass and clamped down hard, but she was delighted that Vanessa ignored the little cry and didn’t relent, continuing to bite while fucking Megan with her fingers.

And so it went. Teeth and fingers; nibbles, sucks and thrusts. Pleasure wrapped in pain.

Eventually, Megan knew she was getting close. Her inner walls were beginning to squeeze Vanessa’s fingers as the orgasm built. It was going to be intense, she knew it, and she increased the pressure on her nipple, wanting to hurt it too so that she had two sources of pain feeding the coming climax.

Vanessa’s thumb then started flicking Megan’s clit and Megan’s eyes, which had been squeezed shut, flew open at the unbelievable sensations that was causing and that’s when she saw the window.


It was wide open!

No! Fuck!

It was too late to stop what was happening to get up and close the damn thing. Vanessa was expertly bringing Megan to an amazing climax and nothing short of a nuclear attack was going to keep Megan from coming now.

She spied her scream pillow all the way on the other side of the bed and stretched out her arm for it, but her fingers could barely graze it.

“Oh fuck!” she couldn’t help exclaiming in response to the building pleasure between her legs that was reaching its apex. She hoped the women downstairs on the deck hadn’t heard it. That thought made her scrabbling for the pillow that much more desperate because she knew they’d hear what was coming next unless she got the fucking thing.

Miraculously, somehow, her fingers barely managed to clutch the very edge of the pillow at the same instant she felt the explosion of her orgasm. Desperately, Megan yanked the pillow to her and she was just able to slam it down on her face as her scream from coming hard escaped her mouth. Her pelvis thrusted violently, dislodging Vanessa’s fingers and she kept screaming into the pillow, even managing to call Vanessa’s name, not that anyone could tell; all that Megan could hear of her exclamations were muffled cries that were unintelligible.

She had no idea how long it went on for, only that she had temporarily lost motor control of her legs which spasmed the entire time her orgasm spent wracking her body. Finally, she had to lift her face from the pillow when her lungs started reminding her that they needed a little something called air.

“Oh my God, baby,” she uttered, when she eventually came down from her high. She felt Vanessa’s hand softly rubbing her ass and she tried to look over her shoulder to see.

“How bad is it?” she said, giggling.

“I certainly did a number on you,” Vanessa said, and Megan could have sworn Vanessa sounded proud.

“Good, I won’t mind showing off some sex bruises. Oh, those are hot!” Megan saw several purplish-red hickeys that had no chance of being covered up the side-tying string bikini bottoms she was planning to wear tomorrow.

Vanessa laughed.

Megan turned over onto her back and pulled Vanessa down on top of her, quickly bringing Vanessa’s mouth to her own for a kiss.

“Do your friends know?” Vanessa asked when her lips were released.

“Do they know what?”