The traffic light changed and Vanessa started driving again.

“But I want La Vida Mocha to be a safe space for anyone to come to and hang out,” she said.

“So do I!” Chloë insisted. “But there’s nothing wrong with doing some subtle but focused advertising to our sapphic sisters. Take out an ad on Zoosk, get lesbians to have their first dates at La Vida Mocha. Link the shop’s Facebook page to even more lesbian content, stuff like that.”

“Those are good ideas,” Vanessa said, thoughtfully.

“I’m not just a pretty face. Oh, and you should do something about the merch in the shop.”

Vanessa looked over at Chloë really quickly before putting her eyes back on the road.

“What about the merch?” she asked.

“Like, in addition to our regular stuff, we should sell La Vida Mocha logo mugs with the Pride flag on them. Or, even better, the lesbian flag. Just order some, display them somewhere strategic and just let people notice them. See? Subtle; like, subliminal marketing. And I guarantee if you get some mugs or t-shirts with the lesbian flag on them, your wannabe wife Amy will be sure to notice, which would be awesome for us!”

Vanessa reached over and smacked Chloë’s leg.

“Oh my God, you cannot say things like that around Megan! I will kill you if you do!” Vanessa knew Megan was susceptible to jealousy; in fact, Vanessa thought it was kind of hot. Despite the short shelf life of their relationship, Vanessa liked that Megan was possessive.

Thinking of the short shelf life…

“And, by the way,” she began, “Remember, I told you…Megan is not my girlfriend.”

Chloë looked at her.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

Vanessa blinked.

“Pretty sure,” she replied. “We’re just having a fling, remember?” She sighed because she knew she was going to have to explain it further, but she was getting tired of saying the same thing to different people. Especially because now she wondered if the bit that applied to her was still true anymore. “I’m too busy with La Vida Mocha to focus on a relationship, and Megan is moving to New York to start a new job.”

“Oh,” Chloë said and then fell silent. However, Vanessa felt Chloë still looking at her. “But the way she looks at you…” Chloë ventured after several moments.

Vanessa’s heart pounded. Her mouth felt dry.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Vanessa, she’s nuts about you,” Chloë explained. “Some people wait their entire lives for another person to look at them the way Megan looks at you. Also…” Chloë suddenly stopped, seemingly unsure if she should continue.

“Also what?” Vanessa prodded.

Chloë sighed.

“Also, I see the way you look at Megan.”

Vanessa’s mouth dropped open.

Oh fuck! Has it been that obvious?

“It’s why I assumed she was your girlfriend,” Chloë said. “Can’t you guys figure out a way to make it work?”

Vanessa bit her bottom lip.

“How?” she softly asked.

“I don’t know. I mean, maybe you could try the long-distance thing?”

Vanessa shook her head and then admitted something to Chloë that she had never even uttered out loud until now.