“Sweetie, your work is fabulous,” Vanessa assured her. “People will love it.”

“Just be prepared for me to be a wreck that day.”

Ten minutes later, the Jeep’s GPS guided the women to a gated driveway protecting a three-story mansion. Vanessa entered the code Desiree had texted her and pulled in.

“Chloë’s already here,” she said, spying the PT Cruiser. “So are Ang and Dee. You said Abby is coming, right?”

Megan nodded. “Yeah, and apparently she’s bringing a plus one.”

Getting out of the Jeep after parking, Vanessa heard the ocean that was on the other side of the house. It was going to be so nice falling asleep to that sound for the next few nights, especially with Megan next to her. She opened the back door on her side of the Jeep to pull her suitcase out, Megan doing the same on her side.

“Hey, what’s that for? I didn’t notice you bring that.” Vanessa asked, looking at a blue fluffy pillow Megan had extracted along with her suitcase. Vanessa had seen that pillow at Megan’s house on her sofa.

Megan smiled.

“It’s a scream pillow,” she said with a grin. “I felt safer bringing my own from the house, especially if my face was going to be buried in it.”

“A scream pillow?” Vanessa repeated, confused. But Megan just cocked an eyebrow and then Vanessa got it and her own smile formed on her face “Oh…a scream pillow.”

“You can feel free to use it, too,” Megan said. “You tend to get a little vocal yourself, you know.”

“That’s a good idea, darling, but what if we both happen to need it at the same time?” Vanessa asked with a smirk.

Megan made a face. “Fuck! I hadn’t considered that.”

“First world problem,” Vanessa said, laughing. “Let’s get inside.”

They found Angela and Desiree already in the pool which was on a deck on the second level. Each woman was on a floating raft and each already had a cocktail in hand, though it was only just past ten a.m.

“Finally!” Angela cried out upon seeing them.

“Happy birthday, Megan!” Desiree added, saluting Megan with her drink. “We brought a cake!”

“Your room is on the third floor,” Angela said. “Across from ours. Try not to keep us up all night with whatever kinky things you two do.”

Vanessa put her hands on her hips.

“This from a woman I happen to know owns a ball gag,” she retorted.

But Angela didn’t miss a beat.

“Exactly. Gag. Means quiet, so you won’t hear a peep out of me this weekend. Right, babe?” She reached out and took Desiree’s hand.

“TMI,” Megan s

aid, laughing. “Come on, let’s find our room.”

The second floor also contained the kitchen and that’s where they found Chloë. She was with another woman neither of them knew and they were mixing more cocktails. Vanessa noted approvingly that Chloë was dressed appropriately for work in one of her cute dresses. They did have to get to La Vida Mocha in less than an hour, after all.

Chloë’s friend, however, was in a black-and-white striped bikini. She was blonde, her hair pulled up into a messy bun. She was very pretty, had a few tattoos decorating her arms and looked to be about Chloë’s and Megan’s age.

Chloë was busy pouring ingredients into a blender and so she hadn’t noticed Vanessa’s and Megan’s arrival. The friend did, however, and Vanessa definitely clocked how the young woman first licked her lips and then ran her eyes up and down Vanessa’s form. It wasn’t subtle.

Great! Megan is going to hate her.

“Ahem!” Vanessa said, to catch Chloë’s attention.

Chloë turned.