“But that’s the thing. You were being subtle but maybe because I’m your sister, I was still able to see it when perhaps others couldn’t. Does that make sense?”

Megan squeezed Molly’s hand.


“I don’t know what’s going to happen with Mom and Dad,” Molly went on. “I think we’re both on their shit list together now.” She chuckled again. “But I don’t care. I just want my sister back.”

“You got her,” Megan promised.

“And Mom told me you think I should postpone the wedding until things get back to normal. I think you’re right. I’ve been worried for a while now that I won’t get to have the wedding I always wanted.”

“What does Cole think?” Megan asked, referring to her sister’s fiancé.

Molly made an Are you serious? face.

“As if I’m going to give him a say,” she said.

Megan laughed.

“And just because you’re a lesbian doesn’t mean you get out of my wedding

, whenever it is. I hope that’s not what you were planning!”

Megan rolled her eyes.

“Yep, you caught me. All these years dating women was only done so I could have an excuse to be uninvited to your wedding. You’re a regular Sherlock Holmes, there, sis.”

They both laughed.

“Would you like some wine?” Megan asked.

Chapter 33

It was two hours later before Vanessa returned to Megan’s, and when Megan told her of the discussion that she’d had with Molly. Vanessa couldn’t be happier.

Even later, in bed, when they had both recovered from having hours of sex, and the various toys had been put off to the side, the two women cuddled together. They were both sweaty, tingling, sore, exhausted. It was pitch dark outside, though Vanessa had no idea what time it was and quite frankly, she was too tired to turn her head to look at Megan’s clock on the bedside table. They hadn’t even stopped for dinner. What’s more, Vanessa knew she was going to have a hell of a time later untangling the mess her hair had become; not that Megan’s was any better. Her auburn locks were now far from resembling anything that could be called a hairdo.

Megan was the first to speak.

“I knew when I first laid eyes on you that if I was ever lucky enough to have sex with you, that you’d be the best I ever had,” she murmured, stroking Vanessa’s arm.

“Is that the vibe I put out? ‘Best sex you’ll ever have?’”

Megan shook her head.

“No, not exactly. It wasn’t a vibe, so to speak.”

“What was it then?”

Megan bit her cheek and looked away.

“You’re gonna think I’m silly,” she said.

Vanessa tried not to smirk. Here was Vulnerable Megan again, making an appearance when not too long ago a very Domineering Megan had done things to Vanessa with a strap-on that had made Vanessa come so hard tears had run from her eyes. Not to mention the other things Megan had done that had made Vanessa’s climaxes that much more intense. Vanessa was certain Megan’s handprints would still be visible on her ass tomorrow morning. The woman knew how to spank.

“I won’t think you’re silly, sweetie,” she assured Megan.

It took a moment, but finally Megan said, “It wasn’t a vibe. It was, like, a message. It was like something telling me a fact, something detached from you. And…”