Walking into the bedroom, she found a totally nude Megan in bed, reclining against the headboard, those pert and perfect breasts of hers pointing right at Vanessa. Despite everything, Vanessa couldn’t help but go breathless at the sight, her mouth dropping open.

Megan frowned.

“There’s a disappointing lack of Amazon boxes in your hands,” she said, pouting.

Vanessa blinked.

“What? Oh! No…it wasn’t Amazon.”

“Who was it?”

“Your sister. She’s downstairs.”

Megan sat up fully.

“Molly? What the hell?”

“I don’t know what the hell, but she’s downstairs. On the couch.”

Megan scrambled out of bed. Vanessa picked up Megan’s clothes from the floor where Megan had left them and handed them to her one at a time. As Megan started dressing, Vanessa asked, “Shall I just wait up here or…?”

“No! Come with me!” Megan pulled on her slacks, took Vanessa’s hand and left the bedroom barefoot.

Back downstairs, Molly stood up quickly when Megan and Vanessa entered the living room.

“Hey, Megan,” Molly said shyly. Vanessa completely saw Megan in her just then.

“Hey, Molls,” Megan replied.

All three of them stood in silence for a while, Megan and Molly not meeting one another’s eyes. Finally, Vanessa said, “Megan, I’m gonna go. I’ll be at my place.”

Megan turned to completely face Vanessa.

“What? No!”

Vanessa could see the hurt in Megan’s eyes. She put her hands on Megan’s shoulders.

“I’m five minutes away,” she said, meeting Megan’s eyes. “Your sister came to visit you, let her visit you. Call me when you’re done and I’ll be over here before your phone gets cold, I promise.”

Megan smiled and then leaned in to hug Vanessa, which Vanessa readily returned.

In her Jeep, Vanessa admitted to herself that she was worried. She hoped Megan would be okay and that Molly hadn’t come over just to make Megan feel terrible.

Chapter 32

“Why are you here, Molls?” Megan asked as soon she returned to the living room after seeing Vanessa out. Megan wanted Vanessa here, not her sister.

“Is that your girlfriend?” Molly asked.

Megan crossed her arms and stood with her weight balanced on one leg. Her power pose.

No, Vanessa was not her girlfriend, but Megan didn’t want Molly to know that only because, probably due to their parents’ influence, Molly most likely believed that gay people didn’t have committed and lasting relationships. So, the last thing Megan wanted to tell Molly was that Vanessa was just a fling, someone to keep her company until she moved to New York.

With some defiance in her voice, said, “Yes, that’s right,” and then shuddered a little at how good it felt to claim Vanessa—even in a lie—as her girlfriend.

“She’s beautiful,” Molly said, in obvious awe, her eyes wide. “Like, wow! Like, fuck, she’s gorgeous!”

Megan couldn’t help a small smile picking up the corners of her lips at the way her sister was fangirling over Vanessa.