involves dream catchers.

We don’t have sex; we

just pet each other until

a man comes along.

It’s like straight sex, but

the little spoon is determined

by lottery.

It’s like hetero

sex, but sometimes our penises

glow in the dark.

It’s like straight sex, but

we don’t have to rub one out

ourselves afterward.

It’s like straight sex—same

regrets, insecurities—

but with more laundry.

It’s like straight sex, but

by “sex,” I mean deconstructing


It’s like straight sex, but

less worries about whether

your nipples “look weird.”

Lesbian sex is

like water polo—no one

really knows the rules.

Why you should be proud

to have small hands: picking teeth,

sewing, and fisting.

Advanced techniques

It’s like straight sex but