"Now what?" she said to Tara. "I can't stay here forever. My parents will have the entire National Guard out searching for me if I don't return soon."

"Are you sure this is the same waterfall?" Tara said.

"Unless you know of another one nearby. I didn't stray far before I fell asleep next to the tree."

"This is the only one that I know of in the area. Did you do anything differently when you came through from the other side?"

"I was just having a refreshing shower, then I stumbled backwards through the portal."

"Are you sure you were only having a shower?" Tara said, arching an eyebrow.

"Well, now that you mention it, I was touching myself while I was under the water. And it was only after I climaxed that I fell through the portal."

"Maybe that's the secret," Tara smiled. "Maybe you have to stimulate yourself to orgasm to unlock the magic powers of the portal."

Clover peered at Tara with a wrinkled forehead.

"Do you really think so?"

"It's the only thing you did differently. If you're sure this is the same waterfall."

"I suppose it's worth a try," Clover said, shaking her head.

As she removed her tunic and turned back toward the waterfall, Tara reached out and grabbed her hand.

"What if you can't come back?" she said. "I've grown quite fond of you in the short time we've been together. I'd hate to find that you've gone forever and that we'll never see each other again."

"If it works both ways, then I shouldn't have any trouble getting back. I won't be gone for long, maybe just a day or two." She pulled Tara close to her, giving her a warm embrace. "Don't worry, I feel the same way about you. This place has grown on me too."

Clover ducked back under the cascade and placed her hand between her legs, rolling her button between her fingers, but she had a hard time getting aroused. Whether it was because of the pressure she felt having to climax or because she wasn't in the mood, she wasn't sure. But something definitely was holding her back from experiencing the same pleasure she'd felt the last time she was under the waterfall. After five minutes or so of rubbing herself to no avail, she stepped out of the waterfall, shaking her head at Tara.

"What happened?" her friend said. "It didn't work?"

"I couldn't come. I just didn't feel the same kind of excitement that I did the first time."

"Maybe you don't really want to go back," Tara said. "Your mind can play tricks on you when you're thinking of other things."

"Maybe," Clover said. "Or maybe I just need a little help. Will you come under the water with me? I'm pretty sure I won't have any trouble getting in the mood with you providing a little extra stimulation."

"What if I get pulled back with you?" Tara said. "I'd hate to get stuck in your world. I'm not sure they'd look kindly on a strange elf like me."

"If the trick to passing through is climaxing under the water, all you have to do is be careful not to stimulate yourself too much. Just focus on helping me."

"I think I can manage that," Tara smiled.

Clover reached out to take Tara's hand, pulling her toward the falling water.

"Okay, just do what you normally do. It shouldn't take long this time."

As the two girls lowered themselves under the cataract, they pressed their bodies together and kissed each other passionately. While Clover pressed her hand between her legs and began to play with her hardening bean, Tara squeezed her buttocks, grinding her mound against the back of Clover's flapping hand. This time, it didn't take Clover long to feel the pleasure building up within her, and when she climaxed, she let herself fall back toward the other side of the waterfall. But once again, she felt nothing but hard rock.

When the two girls pulled themselves out of the cascade, Tara peered at Clover with a wrinkled brow.

"Well? Did you come this time? What did you feel on the other side?"

"Oh, I came alright," Clover said. "But it was the same result. Just a hard stone wall, no portal."

"Hmm," Tara said. "We seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place."