"Lamb. Do you like it?"

"Yes," Tara said, beginning to realize that this mythical land of Abbynthia wasn't so different from back home after all. "But where do you get it? I didn't see any sheep or lamb on our way to your cabin last night."

"I pick up a few provisions in the market every fortnight or so. It's a bit of a hike to the nearest town, so I mostly make do with naturally grown fruits and vegetables in the meantime."

"How do you pay for things around here? Do you have some kind of job?"

"I'm a trapper. I hunt and trade animals like beaver, grouse, and rabbit for larger domestic animals and the occasional eggs and milk."

"You seem to be pretty self-sufficient out here all by yourself in the woods," Clover said, peering around the airy treehouse. "Do you ever get lonely?"

"I hadn't really thought much about it until I met you. You've been a welcome–um–distraction beyond my usual foraging and hunting."

Clover picked up a curved inkberry vegetable and caressed it teasingly between Tara's legs.

"Are you saying you prefer making love to humans over these exotic plants?"

"Possibly," Tara smiled, leaning in to kiss her new friend. "You make love pretty well for someone who's never done it before. I mean, for a human..."

Clover placed her food tray beside her and scrunched up closer to the Tara, wrapping her legs around her hips as she pressed her bare breasts against the elf's.

"You're pretty good, yourself," she purred, feeling Tara's nipples hardening as they slapped their tits together. "For a girl."

"Oh yeah?" Tara grinned, rubbing her moistening crotch against Clover's soft bush. "You like rubbing your pussy against my cunny?"

"It's warmer than those flowers, that's for sure," she grunted, pulling Tara closer as they wrapped their legs around one another and began kissing passionately.

As the two girls began to rock their hips together, they groaned into each other's mouths, savoring the feel of their smooth bodies and slippery flesh. Clover arched her back and tilted her head back, groaning in pleasure, and Tara took the opportunity to nibble on her neck and suck one of her erect nipples into her mouth.

"Uhnnn," Clover grunted. "I love the way you make love to me."

"Enough to stick around a little longer?" Tara grinned. "Or are you still eager to go back home?"

"Not right now, that's for sure."

As the two girls began to rock their hips together, the sound of their intermingling juices filled the cabin, and they peered into each other's eyes as their mouths began to gape open on the crest of climax.

"Nnghh," Tara groaned, jerking her body in spastic convulsions as Clover felt her own orgasm wash over her.

While the two women clasped onto each other, the only sound in the isolated cabin was the crunching of the thatched mat beneath them and the sloshing of their flapping pussies against one another. When they both finished climaxing, they fell onto the mat together as Tara traced her fingers down Clover's heaving torso.

"Do all humans have this color hair?" she said, twirling her fingers in Clover's moist auburn-colored pubic hair.

"No," Clover said. "Some have fair hair like yours, some have brown or black hair, and a few have reddish colored hair like me."

"So you're special, then?"

"I suppose so," Clover said. "Do you like it?"

"It suits you," Tara nodded. "It makes you look exotic and sexy. Especially when my face is buried in your bush."

"Mmm," Clover said, rolling over to plant a wet kiss on Tara's lips. "I'll never get tired of that."

"There'll be time for more of this later," Tara said, suddenly sitting up. "Right now, we should collect some more food and look into getting you dressed. You can't run around buck naked like that all day."

"Why not?" Clover teased. "Who else is looking besides a few hungry wolves?"

"You never know who we might run into in these woods. You don't want to look too tempting a target for any passing scoundrels."