"You seemed to be enjoying yourself, and I've never seen anyone like you before."

"Am I the only one who plays with the plants this way? They're very unusual and…erotic."

"No," Tara chuckled. "Many of us enjoy them in a similar manner when we're feeling needy."

"Is there a reason why they're shaped the way they are and they move like real people?"

"It's their way of propagating," Tara said. "Their form and features have evolved in such a way to make it pleasurable for those creatures with similar anatomical features to engage with them in a sexual manner. As we move from one plant to another, we carry their seeds with us to germinate the next plant."

"Like bees, you mean?"

"I don't know what bees are, but this technique has proven very effective in spreading their kind and providing useful food and nectar for the other woodland creatures."

"Not to mention spreading their pleasure far and wide," Clover smiled.

"Yes," Tara nodded. "They're quite stimulating, aren't they? At least when you can't find one of your own kind to satisfy your cravings."

"Speaking of which," Clover said, peering nervously around her in the darkness to make sure they weren't being following by the pack of wolves. "Other than you and the wolves, I haven't noticed any other sign of wildlife. Are we alone out here in the wilderness?"

"I wouldn't say alone, exactly," Tara said, brushing some of the overhanging branches aside as she pressed ahead. "There's plenty of less threatening creatures like rabbits and foxes out here in the forest. But in terms of humans and elves, there's no one else that I know of for many miles in either direction."

"What are you doing alone out here, like me?"

"I had a bit of a falling out with my clan," Tara said. "The chief of our village expected me to marry his son, and I didn't want any part of it. So he banished me from the group, and I started a new life for myself in the forest."

"Why didn't you want to marry his son?"

"Besides his being a pompous, overbearing ass? I dunno, I didn't feel like being anyone's property, I guess. I like being free and able to go and do as I please."

"You're stealing a page from my book," Clover laughed. "I was in a similar situation back home. My parents wanted me to go college, and I had other plans."


"It's a type of school where older girls go to further their education. But like you, I didn't want to be tied down. I prefer exploring the forest."

"Is that what you were doing when you happened upon Abbynthia?"

"Yes. I was having a stimulating shower under a waterfall and when I slipped, I fell through some kind of portal into this strange new world."

"Do you make a habit of stimulating yourself in the forest?"

"I suppose," Clover chuckled. "But kind of like you, I've never really had a boyfriend, and this is the closest I've ever gotten to having real sex."

"We'll have to do something about that," Tara said, stopping under a large willow tree and removing an arrow from her quiver. She placed the arrow on the string of her bow and pointed it toward the base of any overhanging branch, then shot it upward. It landed with a thunk against the stem, and a knotted rope suddenly fell down from above onto the ground. Clover peered into the thick canopy of leaves and noticed a thatched hut nestled in the branches about thirty feet off the round.

"That's a pretty neat trick," Clover said, nodding at Tara's ingenuity at crafting such a hidden and safe entrance to her home.

"You can't be too careful out here," Tara said. "There's too many creatures short and tall that will take advantage of a little girl like me."

"You're not so little," Clover said, peering at Tara's sexy cleavage compressed by her tight leather waistcoat. "And hardly defenseless."

"Do you want to go first, or me?" Tara said, motioning to the dangling rope and pointing upward toward her treehouse.

Clover looked at the knotted vine and peered up at the base of the hut thirty feet above. She was confident in her climbing skills, but she didn't want to make a fool of herself climbing it the wrong way. Besides, she was still naked from the waist down, and she felt shy about exposing herself while the pretty elf watched her from below.

"Why don't you go first and show me the way? I'll come right after you."

"As you wish," Tara said, jumping on the vine and climbing the rope hand over hand with barely any assistance from her legs. When she got to the top, she peered down at Clover and smiled. "Well, what are you waiting for?"