As she slowly sliced around the wound with her hunting knife, being careful not to deepen the gash any further, she stood up and tried to pull the lance out of the dragon's wing. When it finally popped out, the dragon flinched, and Tara froze in fear, glancing toward its head. When she noticed it was still sleeping, she drew a needle and thread she kept in her pouch for emergency first aid and did her best to stich up the foot-wide gash. But just as she hopped off the dragon with the spear

in her hand, it stirred and opened its eyes. When he saw Tara standing next to him carrying the spear, he reared up and opened his mouth preparing to spray Tara with its fire.

Suddenly, Clover and Jessop began jumping up and down in the field a few feet away, and the dragon peered at them like a curious dog, tilting its head in confusion. When he peered back at Tara, she threw the spear onto the ground to show that she wasn't a threat, and her companions emerged from the grass, holding their arms over their heads in mock surrender. The dragon peered at Clover's naked body and her flowing red locks, tilting its head to the other side.

Tara crept up to the dragon's face and patted it softly, and the creature peered back at its injured wing and flapped it gently, noticing the spear was no longer causing it pain. He peered back at the trio and purred softly, seeming to realize that they'd been responsible for removing the weapon while he was sleeping.

"Look!" Clover said, approaching the dragon slowly while Jessop followed gingerly behind. "He likes us! I think it worked. Were you able to close the wound?"

"I did the best I could," Tara nodded. "If he heals anything like the rest of us, he should be ready to fly in another couple of days."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Clover said, moving closer to the dragon as it swiped its nose gently against her naked body.

"Well for one thing," she said, noticing Jessop staring at Clover's naked ass. "You should probably get dressed before this dragon gets any other ideas. If we've learned anything in the last couple of days, it's that we can't trust anything with a cock when we get too close."


For the next few days, the trio stayed with the dragon, tending to its wound and feeding it wild boar and as much fruit and vegetables as they could find on the hillsides. It seemed to be improving each day, flapping its wings more vigorously and eagerly awaiting their foraging trips from the field. After Clover said he looked like a dinosaur with wings, they decided to name him Rex.

One afternoon, as the team was out collecting provisions in a meadow, Clover noticed Jessop straying from the group and hiding behind a tree. Curious as to what he was doing, she crept up behind him and her eyes widened when she saw his naked ass thrusting into a knot in the tree. Not long after, Tara pulled up beside her, and the two girls smiled at one another.

"Poor thing," Tara whispered. "He's got no other outlet for his adolescent urges."

"It looks like Medusa offers a pretty tempting target for him," Clover said, listening to Jessop moaning as he plowed his shiny cock in and out of the slippery hole.

"The tree giveth and the tree taketh," Tara chuckled.

As Jessop grew increasingly animated thrusting his hips against the tree, the overhanging branches dangled against his ass, curling underneath to tickle his testicles with their feathery leaves. He wrapped his arms around the smooth skin of the trunk and made one final deep thrust, groaning loudly. When he pulled his pulsing organ out of the tree and the girls saw how well-endowed he was, they gasped. Jessop turned his head in their direction and they ducked under the tall grass, giggling.

"Maybe we can help him with that a little later," Clover said. "We've both enjoyed the pleasures of the erotic mushroom, and that looks like a much more tempting skewer to bounce up and down on."

"He's certainly been staring at our asses plenty enough since we joined up with him," Tara nodded. "And he is kind of cute. Maybe we can let him snuggle up beside us tonight for a little extra warmth while we give him a little two-way attention?"

As Jessop tracked back through the field in their direction, they lowered themselves in the grass then followed him back to their camp.

"Did you find any special treats for our dragon friend to enjoy on your foraging trip?" Tara teased, glancing at Jessop with a sly grin.

"Um, yes," Jessop stammered, spilling a bag of fruits and vegetables in front of Rex's face as he eagerly gobbled them up. "I'm just not sure it'll be enough to satisfy his voracious appetite."

"No doubt," Tara snickered.

She climbed up on Rex's back to inspect his wound and spread some soothing aloe oil over it as the dragon purred.

"The wound is almost healed," she said, hopping back down onto the ground. "He should be ready to fly again by tomorrow with any luck."

"It's too bad, really," Clover said, rubbing her face against his soft nose. "I've grown kind of attached to him these past few days. And the feeling seems to be mutual."

"Well, we can't exactly keep him as a pet," Tara said, stroking his scaly skin. "These creatures were meant to soar. We'd just be holding him back from his natural tendencies if we keep spoon-feeding him like this."

"I suppose you're right," Clover said, giggling as Rex licked the front of her body with his long tongue.

"Let's see if the two of us can scare up another boar for supper while Jessop prepares the fire," Tara said. "It'll be good for Rex to have a full belly before he heads back out on his own."

As the two women headed out into the bush, Clover raised the new bow Tara had made for her, snaring a snorting boar as it stampeded through the brush. She'd also become more adept at using her new whip, stunning small game and rodents from a distance of twenty feet with a quick crack of her lash. When they carried the boar and three rabbits back to the camp on a large pole, Rex wagged his tail excitedly, licking his lips as he drooled onto the ground.

The four of them enjoyed the roast game around the campfire, then they nestled up together like they usually did to turn in for the night. When the girls saw Jessop take up his customary position on the opposite side of Rex and curl up to go to sleep, Tara elbowed Clover in the side and nodded at her with a knowing smile.

"Why don't you come over and join us on this side tonight, Jessop?" she called. "It's closer to the fire and we could use the extra warmth."