"I'll need every detail if you expect me to find this portal,” the warlock said. “In my experience, there's always some special circumstances that makes it appear. Were you thinking or wishing about anything unusual while you were under the waterfall?"

Clover peered over at Tara again, noticing her hand resting defensively on her knife holster. Then she nodded, indicating that Clover should proceed.

"I–I was touching myself," she said. "The water was quite stimulating, and I couldn't help myself."

"I see," the warlock smiled. "And at what point did the portal appear?"

"After I climaxed," Clover said. "I fell backward, and instead of the hard wall, there was only an open field. A field in this new land of Abbynthia."

"Alright then," the warlock nodded. "This is very helpful."

"Can you help me?" Clover said. "Can you help me find the location of the magic portal, or create a new one for me to get back home?"

"I think so," the warlock said. "But I'll need some kind of token from your homeland to conjure the spell."

"What kind of token?" Clover said. "I left all my personal belongings at the base of the waterfall on the other side."

"Hmm," the warlock hummed, stroking his beard. "Then I'll need a lock of your hair. You apparently brought that much with you, didn't you?"

"Yes," Clover said, peering at the warlock suspiciously. "Do you have some scissors?"

"One moment," the man said, standing to retrieve some shears from his kitchen cabinet.

When he returned, he handed them to Clover and she tilted her head down to clip off a few strands.

"From below," the warlock said, glancing toward her crotch.

"What?" Clover said with wide eyes. "Why is that necessary?"

"We need to recreate the precise circumstances of your departure from the other world. And some kind of physical object that closely mirrors your desires at the moment of passing."

"I don't know about this," Clover said, peering over at Tara who was shaking her head in hesitation. "I don't feel comfortable removing my clothes in front of you."

"You can use the washroom down the hall if you're feeling shy. It doesn't matter how you provide the material, but I'll need it one way or the other if you wish to proceed."

Clover glanced toward Tara, shaking her head in doubt, then Tara nodded softly.

"We'll give this so-called warlock a tiny bit of room to maneuver," she said, rising from her chair and placing an arrow in her bow, pointing it toward the floor. "You go ahead. I'll make sure this guy doesn't get any other ideas."

"You're worrying unnecessarily," Aramiss said. "I can't produce the required spell without the necessary ingredients. It just so happens that in this case, the key ingredient is something a little more intimate."

Tara motioned toward the washroom in the rear of the house as she peered at the warlock with the same steely gaze she'd given the ratcatchers at the tavern. Feeling more secure in taking her leave, Clover excused herself and closed the door behind her in the washroom, delicately snipping off a lock near the top of her bush.

When she returned, the warlock placed the lock of hair in a large bowl on his kitchen table, then he added some spices and potions from the bottles on his shelves before pouring some boiling water into the bowl and stirring it gently. He closed his eyes and swiped his hands in the direction of his face, directing the steam toward his nostrils as he breathed in the scent.

Clover grimaced as she peered over at Tara, shaking her head at the magician's strange methods. But as he continued to wave his hands over the steaming bowl, suddenly the girls began to feel faint and within a matter of seconds, they fell limp onto the floor.

When they woke up, they found themselves naked and tied spreadeagled to the posts of the warlock's upstairs bed with their hips facing one another. As they flailed helplessly against their bonds, the warlock sneered at them with a toothy grin.

"What are you doing to us?" Clover said, feeling the leather straps digging into her wrists.

"I'm completing the incantation, of course," the warlock smiled. "We have to recreate the conditions as closely as they existed before you fell through the portal. The only thing missing is your climax. I figured you'd be more comfortable on the bed stimulating yourself."

"I'm not going to rub my pussy with you watching, you pervert!" Clover hissed, thrashing on the bed trying to loosen her bonds.

"Perhaps your girlfriend can help you then," he said, peering at the two girls' naked vulvas only inches apart. "I can tell you two like each other more than regular acquaintances. It can't be so bad, can it? All you have to do is pleasure yourself while I watch, so I can invoke the incantation at the right moment. You'll be back home in no time."

"I don't believe you!" Clover said, pushing her hips up and down, causing the bed to shake and groan.