After Clover and Tara had their fun on the two-pronged toadstool, they ate some chukruss and wildberries to replenish their energy before setting out for the warlock's village. It was almost a full day's hike, and by the time they entered the hamlet of Crowhollow, it was nearing dusk. As they strolled up the main strip, Clover peered around at the odd collection of old wooden buildings.

Like an old frontier town, weathered shop signs carried names like Blacksmith, Apothecary, and Dry Goods. Horses pulling rickety old carriages trundled up the dusty street, and townspeople wearing tanned hides peered out at the curious newcomers from wooden chairs on their front porches.

"This looks like something straight out of the Wild West," Clover said, sidestepping some piles of horse manure scattered along the main thoroughfare. "I guess it's too much to wish for an ice cream parlor or a hamburger stand?"

"The closest ice is at the top of Mount Haverhorn, hundreds of miles to the north. And I don't know what a hamburger is, but we should be able to get some hot grub at the saloon just up a ways."

Tara paused as she watched two drunken men stumbling out the front door of the tavern.

"Keep your wits about you when we go in this place," she said, bracing her arm in front of Clover's chest. "It'll be full of gamblers, drifters, and other shady characters this time of day. Let me do most of the talking."

"Okay," Clover said, suddenly realizing how vulnerable she felt without any weapon.

The two women entered the front door of the noisy saloon, and within seconds the din dropped to a whisper as the patrons peered at the scantily clad girls. Tara found an empty table near the back of the room, and motioned for the bar maid to bring them some drinks. A curvy girl wearing a short dress ambled up to their table and smiled at the newcomers.

"What can I get you girls?" she said, staring at Tara's pointy ears.

"Two ales and a pork-belly sandwich", Tara said, dipping into her side pouch and placing a copper coin on the table.

The waitress picked up the coin and flipped it over, then nodded as she headed back into the kitchen. While she was gone, Tara looked around the room, noticing everybody staring at them.

"Is it just me," Clover said. "Or do we stick out like purple unicorns in this place?"

"We might as well be," Tara nodded, unflapping her knife holster. "They probably don't get many elfs in here, and you look like you're from a whole other place altogether."

"Which I kind of am," Clover sighed. "Is it safe for us in here with all these leering customers?"

Tara glanced up at the balcony where a stream of men paraded up and down the hallway with young women on their arms.

"Fortunately, this saloon also has a brothel on the upper floor. So at least they have another distraction to satisfy their prurient interests if need be."

"I've never been in a brothel before," Clover said, smiling at some of the girls as they led the men into their private quarters.

"And we don't want to stay in one for very long," Tara said, noticing some of the men leering at Clover's exposed legs. "You're too tempting a target for these randy scoundrels. I'm sure the madam or whoever runs this operation would love to get her claws into you. You'd probably double their profits overnight."

"What about you?" Clover said. "You're just as pretty as me. Surely you look just as out of place and tantalizing as me."

"I'm carrying a quiver of arrows and a large hunting knife," Tara said, staring down some of the leering men. "They wouldn't want to mess with me. They can tell I know how to look after myself."

"Speaking of which," Clover said. "Shouldn't I be carrying a weapon too? Apparently it's not just the wolves that I need to be worried about."

"We can look into getting you something before we leave town," Tara nodded. "It would be good for both of us to have protection."

The waitress returned to their table with a tray of beers and their sandwich, placing them on the table.

"Can I get you girls anything else?"

Tara leaned in closer to the barmaid and lowered her voice.

"There was one other thing," she said. "I heard there was a warlock in these parts. I don't suppose you know where I can find him?"

The waitress peered at Tara for a long moment while

she glanced around the room nervously.

Tara reached into her pouch, sliding two more copper coins across the table.