STANDING TOGETHER, hand-in-hand, they assembled with the two dozen others ready to wish the new couple well as they left the resort and embarked on their newlywed journey.

Rhiannon pulled her sunglasses down over her sleep-starved eyes and shifted closer to whisper in Carmela’s ear.

“I can’t stop thinking about you naked,” she admitted, turning Carmela’s stoic face bright red.

“Behave,” she warned as she squeezed her hand, but there was no stopping the smile on her lips.

Under the shade of recently erected sun sail canopies using the parking lot palm trees as posts, Rhiannon let go of her hand after slipping behind her to wrap her arms around her waist.

Despite the crowd, Carmela closed her eyes and relaxed her back into Rhiannon’s chest. What she wouldn’t give to delay the impending return to reality. The magical little cocoon couldn’t possibly follow them home, and she wasn’t ready to leave it. Each moment with Rhiannon replenished her soul in ways she didn’t know were lacking.

In her entire life she’d never been with anyone so a ectionate. She’d never considered herself the touchy-feely type either, but under Rhiannon’s nonstop touch, she realized how very wrong she’d been. Every moment of

contact was invigorating. Rhiannon had unlocked a part of her starving for attention with an unlimited bu et.

Before Carmela could express how happy she was in that moment, music ripped through the outdoor space, silencing the murmuring crowd and forcing their attention to the main building where they’d first checked-in a lifetime ago.

At the realization, Carmela’s heart leapt in her throat. The woman that walked in days ago was not the one leaving.

“Join me in wishing Dr. and Mrs. Lerner bon voyage as they embark on their honeymoon and start the first of many wonderful adventures together!” the wedding planner shouted through a megaphone before popping a can of colorful streamers as Vera and Jackie emerged from the building followed by a cart full of their luggage.

Carmela snickered at the idea of them waiting for the go ahead to make a perfectly timed exit. The amount of planning and coordination that had gone into every moment of the wedding and related festivities was staggering. As the redheaded wedding planner clapped manically while the couple began thanking their guests, Carmela hoped she was getting to take her own amazing vacation soon.

When it was their turn, she and Rhiannon took turns hugging the happy couple and wishing them well, but as soon as they climbed into their golf cart headed for the ferry, Carmela took Rhiannon’s hand and headed for the cottage.

A seed of dread inched into her heart. It was just the beginning for Jackie and Vera’s vacation, but the end of her getaway with Rhiannon.

“What do you say we take that patio chair for another ride?” Rhiannon asked quietly as she swung their joined hands.

Carmela laughed. “Is that before or after we pack and make it onto the ferry in an hour to start the drive home?”

Rhiannon stopped walking like a dog who’d just noticed they’d been tricked into going to the vet. “We don’t really have to leave today, do we?”

“Yes,” she chuckled as she yanked her forward to get her feet moving again. “The party is over.”

Sulking, Rhiannon didn’t say another word until they returned to the coolness of the air-conditioned cottage.

Instead of starting to pack, Rhiannon flung herself on the bed with all the drama of tween.

Intentionally ignoring her, Carmela opened her garment bag before starting to empty the closet. From the corner of her eye, she watched Rhiannon mope and resist the indelible fact that the trip was over. It was maddeningly cute.

“Let’s make this a vacation,” Rhiannon said abruptly as she shot up in bed.

“We’ve just been on a vacation for almost a week,”

Carmela replied with a throaty chuckle as she crossed the room to retrieve the dirty laundry she’d been separating in a plastic bag.

Rhiannon snatched her arm and pulled her onto the bed and on top of her. “Oh come on. What’s the rush to get back?

Let’s stay another few days. We can celebrate your birthday,” she said, burying her face in Carmela’s neck and making her laugh.

Carmela didn’t want it to end either. Reality had no place in her fantasy romance. “Fine,” she agreed, much to Rhiannon’s obvious surprise. “But not where my ex got married. Let’s go somewhere totally brand-new. Somewhere neither of us have ever been,” she added with a rush of excitement and twisting stomach.

Rolling Carmela onto her back, Rhiannon climbed on top of her and straddled her hips as she looked down at her. “Are you messing with me?”

Pretending to be annoyed, Carmela rolled her eyes. “Ms.