
“It usually takes agents a hell of a long time to make that much money, and far less time to spend it. Have you set up a savings account for taxes? They say to set aside thirty percent, but I usually go for an even half. Assume that’s all the money you’re going to make this year and make it last,”

she explained so sternly it made Rhiannon chuckle.

“Jeez, Carm. What the hell can I spend it on?”

“A car,” she replied without hesitation. “Most clients are only going to have your car and your shoes to judge you by, so spend money on those, but don’t go crazy,” she warned.

“You can get a newish, o -lease, entry-level luxury car for a very reasonable price.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought,” Rhiannon said, unable to contain her smile as her heart fluttered in her chest.

Carmela shrugged, but her dark eyes lit up and she couldn’t help her smile. “I’ve seen a lot of people spend their checks on what they want, assuming they can use the next one for whatever they really need. Don’t ever assume the next check is coming.”

“Man, you must be so fun at parties,” Rhiannon said as she folded her hands behind her head. “Do you want to tell me about rising sea levels next?”

Carmela rolled her eyes, but it lacked the irritation the act used to emit. “Florida is going to be underwater eventually.

Those water tables don’t lie.”

With an aching chest, Rhiannon watched Carmela laugh at her own joke, captivated by the glossy black hair and smooth skin that stopped her in her tracks so many times before. She couldn’t let her go. Not yet.

“So . . . have you given any more thought to that wedding you were invited to?” Rhiannon asked, her eyes fixed on Carmela’s lips.

“Yep,” she replied with a nod. “I took your advice. The event planner was very relieved to finally get my response.”

“Damn! So you’re going? Alone?” Rhiannon shifted her gaze back to Carmela’s eyes.

“Not exactly,” she admitted. “I roped Liz into going with me. She knew Jackie too, so it wouldn’t be weird if—”

“No way,” Rhiannon objected as she sprang to her feet.

“You can’t do that. That’s even more pathetic than going alone! At least going alone can be a sign of independence. A boss energy. But taking Liz as a security blanket? That’s like taking your mom to prom because you couldn’t get a date.

It’s not empowering. All she’ll see is that you were afraid to go alone but you couldn’t find a date. Not a good look, Carm.” By the time she finished her speech, her heart was pounding and her head swimming. The urgency was real and it felt a little like passing out.

Carmela’s eyes widened. “I don’t care what my ex thinks.”

“Ha!” Rhiannon laughed so loudly her throat burned.

“That’s a load of bullshit, isn’t it? Of course you care or wouldn’t have taken forever to decide what you wanted to

do. You would’ve sent your regrets and a present and been done with it.” Moved by a rush of adrenaline, Rhiannon went around to the front of her desk and towered over Carmela, who remained seated.

“Are you going to o er to go with me again?” Carmela chuckled, but it was shaky and matched her trembling lips.

“And why not? You said it was a destination thing, right?

Well, I could use a vacation and I don’t have anything else going on at the moment.” Rhiannon heard the frantic pace of her words but was powerless to slow them down. If she could only will Carmela to say yes.

“And going with a colleague is supposed to be less pathetic than going with my oldest friend?”

Rhiannon took the seat next to Carmela and started scheming. “Why would you say that’s who I am? These people don’t know your life now. I could be your girlfriend.

Your fiancée. What the hell do they know?” A wild, wicked grin formed on Rhiannon’s face. “I guarantee that if I show up as your girlfriend, that blushing bride will wish she’d eloped.”

Carmela chuckled, but didn’t flat out reject the proposition. Every second that she didn’t say no, but rather seemed to consider the possibility, Rhiannon’s stomach fluttered harder.