Rhiannon’s sophomoric sense of humor couldn’t leave the soft ball alone. “Debrief, huh? Kinky,” she replied with a grin.

Heat rushed to Carmela’s face. “Ugh, you’re the worst!

Stop that! Bye!” she snapped before hanging up, unable to suppress the grin turning up the corner of her mouth.

It was strangely normal. Not the professional banter she imagined, but at least it was normal for them. Given what happened between them the night before, it was the best she could expect.

CARMELA’S CLIENTS were more motivated than she’d realized, and within a few minutes of meeting, she’d scheduled as many showings as fit in a four hour window. They’d made it to the last one just before noon, so when they wanted to check out the stables and horses, Carmela and her high heels stayed out of the sweltering heat.

“Can I get you some water, Carm?” the seller’s agent asked as he pulled a bottle from the fridge.

Carmela leaned against the rustic kitchen’s countertop.

“Thanks,” she replied, taking the bottle.

“I didn’t know you were moving out west,” he said, scratching his wiry, white beard. “I thought you were strictly West Palm Beach. Are you coming over to give us country boys competition?”

She smiled as she fiddled with the bottle cap. “I can’t say it’s my area, but I’ve done a few deals out here. Don’t worry,

your turf is safe. I’m not looking to invest in a truck anytime soon, and my car isn’t a fan of dirt roads.”

He laughed. “I’m sure you’ve got your hands full with that house I’ve seen on your social media posts.

Congratulations on that by the way. That’ll pay for a nice vacation,” he added, mimicking a champagne toast with his water bottle.

Carmela hesitated to copy his gesture. “Don’t congratulate me yet. We haven’t sold it.”

“Superstitious, huh? I don’t blame you,” he said with a chuckle. “I didn’t know you worked with a partner, though.

That’s new, isn’t it?”

Carmela nodded. “It’s just for that deal. Rhiannon is new to the o ce, but the client liked her style.”

“I bet he did,” he said with a grin that wiped the smile o Carmela’s face.

She set the bottle on the counter and crossed her arms over her chest. “How do you know the client is a man?”

He stood up straighter. “Let’s just call it a lucky guess,”

he replied, still smiling like he’d just told a great joke.

Employing one of her favorite negotiation tactics meant to make people feel uncomfortable, Carmela remained silent and waited for a better explanation.

“Listen, don’t get bent out of shape,” he said laughing.

“You’re attracted to the fairer sex. You know what I mean.

Tell me you’d kick that hot, young thing outta bed for eating crackers. No way. I mean, shit, I wouldn’t mind working a deal, and a few other things, with her, that’s for damn sure.”

Insult ravaged Carmela’s stomach. It was an overwhelming flood of emotions, with the primary one being rage and the itch to slap the smug, conspiratorial smile o of his face. She took all the competing reactions and sharpened them into a single arrow aimed at the only place to hurt a chauvinist like him.

Carmela looked him straight in the eye and laughed. She laughed so hard and so long that his smile melted o his face of its own accord. When she doubled over and held her sides, he started looking at her like she’d been possessed.

“What’s so funny?” he snapped when he’d had enough of her over-the-top theatrics.

Carmela pretended to wipe the tears from her eyes as she contained her cackling. “You know, I’m not even sure what’s funnier. The fact that you think you’d have any chance with a girl like her, or the even more preposterous notion that you have any idea what to do with her.”

Dropping her bottle in the garbage, she patted him on the back and sauntered out of the kitchen still giggling. She didn’t need to look back to know that his face was red and his expression contemptuous.