She was so close, Carmela wondered for a single delirious moment if she intended to close the gap and press her lips to her neck. The thought alone sent heat flooding through her body.

“The point is I got it done, right? I didn’t leave you empty handed and disappointed. Are you pleased?”

Rhiannon’s voice was so much lower than it needed to be, and Carmela was sure it was by design. When a ringing cellphone pulled Rhiannon away, her lungs ached with relief as she released the breath she’d been holding.

Exploiting the moment of Rhiannon’s distraction, Carmela bolted for one of the guest bathrooms. She closed the door too hard, but she was grateful for the privacy.

“Get it together,” she chastised the flushed reflection in the mirror.

Pulling o her navy blazer, Carmela fanned her perspiring body. At least she’d worn a sleeveless dress, but it wasn’t doing much for her skyrocketing body temp.

When she no longer looked like she’d fallen face first in a vat of blush, Carmela ran her fingers through her hair and centered herself.

Don’t let her get in your head.

Before leaving the bathroom, Carmela used the moment to respond to a text from a mortgage broker. The distraction helped soothe her. Once back in the kitchen, she couldn’t help but overhear Rhiannon’s conversation. She was arranging a showing at a condo, and by the sound of it, she didn’t know the person on the phone.

“Who was that?” Carmela asked when Rhiannon returned.

Slipping her phone in her blazer pocket, Rhiannon smiled.

“I wouldn’t have pegged you for the possessive type.”

Carmela rolled her eyes. “I heard you coordinating a co ee shop meet up. Do you know the prospective buyer?”

Rhiannon cocked her head to one side, long, brown hair covering part of her face. ?

?No. They reached out after they saw the hammock picture you didn’t think was worth posting,” she replied, openly satisfied with her marketing acumen.

“And you plan on meeting with perfect strangers in an empty house alone? I can’t see how that can go horribly wrong.”

Rhiannon scrunched up her face. Initially, Carmela expected the girl to call her dramatic, but instead she plopped down on stool across from where she was standing, looking ready to take notes. “Do you not think having their social media profile is good enough?” Her tone was free of sarcasm or snark. It was a genuine question. “I can’t fast forward through experience you know. Trust me, I’ve tried.”

The reaction and apparent humility caught Carmela o guard. She stumbled over her words. “The first thing you should do every time you meet someone, even if they come highly recommended by the Pope, is meet them in the o ce.

I’ll email a little form I use to get some background information. Have them fill that out. Make copies of their ID.

. .” Carmela smirked. “Or at least take a picture with your phone if the copier isn’t cooperating. You should always make a point to introduce them to someone else in the o ce.

They’ll feel special and it’s far less likely that they’ll try anything with you if you’re alone. And make sure you get a pre-approval letter you can verify. You’d be surprised by the amount of people who will waste your time if you let them.”

“You make it sound so dangerous,” she replied after a beat.

“It can be, but if you’re attentive and take precautions, chances are you’ll scare anyone o who isn’t really interested in a house.” Carmela stood and grabbed her keys from her bag. “Here.” She handed her a plastic tube attached from her key ring. “Take this with you and always keep it in your pocket with your finger on the trigger. Never walk into a room with a client. Always stay in the hall and near an exit.

Don’t be afraid to be rude. You get a weird vibe, you fake a call and get the hell out immediately.” She paused for e ect.

“For a long time, I only showed a house if another agent came with me, and I’d go with her on hers. The busier you get, the harder that is to do, but it’s a good idea until you get more practice.”

Rhiannon looked at the pepper spray before slipping it into her pocket. “How come you didn’t have it on you now?”

Carmela raised an eyebrow. “Because I locked the door behind me and no one is here yet.”

When Rhiannon looked back at her, the blue flecks in her gray eyes were dazzling. “Why are you so cautious?” Her words were slow and careful, very unlike the brash, assertive way she usually communicated. “Have you been attacked?”

The good mood Carmela had been in faded. “I’ve had some uncomfortable moments,” she admitted. “Some things that could have been really scary if I hadn’t been hyper-vigilant.” Her mouth went dry; she didn’t want to think about it.

“I’m sorry,” Rhiannon said quietly as she placed her hand over Carmela’s.