“You’re a lifesaver,” she replied, happily taking the ca eine from everyone’s favorite place near Carmela’s house.

Stopping at her o ce to drop her bag and blazer, Carmela continued to Liz’s o ce. It took every ounce of self-control not to release her anger, but she was determined not to let the predator see her sweat. She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

“You’re both here early, great,” Liz said as Carmela handed her a sugar-free latte.

“Didn’t you bring enough for the rest of the class?”

Rhiannon joked as Carmela took the seat next to her for want of anywhere else to sit.

“I would’ve, but I think at your age it stunts your growth,” she replied before taking a sip of her drink for dramatic e ect. The scalded tongue was worth it.

Rhiannon smiled broadly revealing perfect teeth and hidden dimple on one side. “That’s so sweet of you to worry.

I hope I’m as thoughtful when I’m your age,” she shot back with sweetness faker than the sugar substitute in her co ee.

Carmela’s nose flared, but she didn’t get a chance to say anything before Liz spoke.

“Okay, you two. Let’s not start with that,” Liz said, stifling her laugh. “So this conversation was going to go a bit di erently until I got a call from Mr. Yeardsley at six this morning.”

“Was he horrified and appalled by our lack of professionalism?” Carmela guessed, her tone sharp and caustic. Damn it. She hadn’t lasted a minute without showing how much the shark’s antics had gotten to her.

Rhiannon shifted in her chair before her crossed leg started shaking.

Oh, now she’s nervous. Heat rose in Carmela’s fair cheeks.

“No, actually. Mr. Yeardsley was very impressed with both of you,” Liz said, leaning back in her chair. “Carm, he said you were by far the most well-prepared of any agent he’s met with. He liked how numbers-oriented you were and the depth and breadth of your experience.”

Carmela didn’t even try to hide her smile as she unclenched her muscles and relaxed back into her seat. Take that, viper.

“So he’s going with her?” Rhiannon asked, her words shakier than Carmela would’ve expected.

Liz’s lips formed a thin line. Oh, no. The baby shark shot herself in the fin.

“Not exactly,” she replied, shattering Carmela’s confidence.

“What do you mean not exactly?” Carmela asked, sitting up.“He was impressed with Rhiannon too,” she said, shifting her gaze to the nuisance sitting to Carmela’s right. “Mr.

Yeardsley was very complimentary of your energy and ideas.

In his words, he said you were the best of both worlds.”

“So what does he want?” Rhiannon asked impatiently, the tremble gone from her voice so quickly, Carmela guessed it had been an a ectation.

She’d probably planned to turn on the water works to keep her place at the brokerage. Ugh. So fake.

“Mr. Yeardsley suggested that since you work for the same agency, that you both take the listing. As a team,” Liz explained, finally dropping the bomb she’d been holding.

Carmela was struck speechless for a long time. As Rhiannon asked Liz a thousand questions, Carmela remained motionless and silent.

“Carm? What are you thinking? I know this is something you’ve been wanting for such a long time. . .”

Liz’s question snapped her out of her numbness, but she couldn’t find the words to express herself. She was too angry. Too caught o guard. How could she have gotten the opportunity she’d worked so hard for only to be forced to share it with someone who tried to steal it away? It was too much to process.

“For what it’s worth, I’m in,” Rhiannon said, her gray gaze fixed on her.

Of course you are. What do you have to lose? You don’t even have a reputation yet.

“Carm? Can you say something?” Liz asked, her face dressed in concern.