As soon as their lips made tentative contact, Rhiannon was lost. With parted lips, she gave every part of herself she had to give. She knew it had to be easier for her than it was for Carmela. But maybe she could follow her lead. Remember what it was like to love without a scarred heart.

Drowning in the sweetness of her mouth, Rhiannon moaned as the tip of Carmela’s tongue made the first incursion beyond her lips. It wasn’t deep enough. Her hunger couldn’t be satisfied with all the barriers between them.

Starting at Carmela’s hip, Rhiannon slid her hand around until she found the bit of fabric concealing the zipper at her side. She ran her fingers up the cool interlocked metal teeth and found the tiny pull at the top. When Carmela didn’t stop her, she yanked the tab down and unzipped her dress.

Breaking their kiss, Rhiannon leaned back. She’d been waiting so long for Carmela to let her in and she didn’t want to rush. She wanted to memorize every first.

“Why do you look at me like that?” Carmela asked breathlessly through kiss-swollen lips.

“Like what?” she replied, dragging her eyes away from Carmela’s body.

“Like you’re trying to see past me or into me.”

Rhiannon grinned. “Because I want to know every single thing about you. I want to know what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, everything you’ve ever been through,” she admitted, her racing heart making her words choppy.

Carmela reached out and cleaned the smudged mascara from under Rhiannon’s eyes. “You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“I know exactly what I’m asking,” she replied, pulling Carmela’s mouth to hers.

Where their first kisses had been soft and measured, these were rushed and desperate. Rhiannon’s thigh parted Carmela’s legs as she pressed her into the sink with her body. At the contact, Carmela threw her head back, exposing her neck. Rhiannon didn’t hesitate to bite the newly tanned skin as she gripped Carmela’s bare thighs hard.

Moving as carefully as she could so she didn’t damage the sage dress, Rhiannon pulled it up, running her open palms along Carmela’s skin as she slipped it over her head and onto the towel rack behind her.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Rhiannon whimpered as she glimpsed her nearly nude body in nothing but a sheer, strapless bra and matching bottom.

Carmela grinned slowly, letting Rhiannon’s eyes feast on her as she arched her back. She didn’t have the self-control for admiration and dove into her lips again. This time she fumbled with the bra’s clasp.

Putting her out of her misery, Carmela reached back and unhooked the garment. As it tumbled to the ground, Rhiannon stared at the expanse of smooth skin on her gorgeous, ample chest.






understanding why people cried when observing works of art too beautiful to behold.

Carmela’s response was a throaty chuckle. “Hardly,” she added before pulling Rhiannon toward her and then spinning her around.

A combination of lips and teeth at the back of her neck sent Rhiannon groaning and clawing at the hands pressed against her abdomen. She’d finally reached her foreplay limits. Their tantric exchanges were killing her.

Before Carmela could get the satisfaction of extending her torture, Rhiannon unzipped her own dress and piled it on top of the other discarded garment. When she turned to face Carmela, her dark eyes were studying her body. In comparison to Carmela’s curved femininity, Rhiannon was a little embarrassed of all the straight lines in her physique.

Where Carmela was a human Coke bottle, Rhiannon was more akin to a surfboard. Lean and athletic but lacking in mouth-watering allure.

As if sensing her hesitation, Carmela slipped o the sink and took her by the waist. “You are stunning,” she said with such authority it was like she was willing a fact into existence.

The sassy remark died in Rhiannon’s throat before she ever had a chance to utter it. Her smart mouth had decided to disappear along with her clothing. Wrapped up in Carmela’s arms again, Rhiannon o ered her lips as a sacrifice.

Moments later the last bits of clothing landed on the cool tile floor.

“I really was planning on showering, you know,” Carmela murmured as her hands explored Rhiannon’s muscular back and her lips brushed against her jaw.

Through the thick, lustful haze clouding her mind, Rhiannon smirked. “That sounds like a great idea.”