Knowing Jackie, they were well aware she hadn’t wanted the divorce, despite Jackie’s infidelity.

Maybe they thought I was coming to ruin the wedding. Bet Rhiannon draped all over me torpedoes that hypothesis, sh

e thought with giddy delight.

“I’m going to get us something to drink,” Rhiannon said when there was a lull in the conversation. “Do you want your usual, babe?”

It took Herculean e ort for Carmela not to laugh. “Yep.

Thanks, honey,” she replied, curious as to what Rhiannon would bring since she definitely did not know what she usually drank. Committing fully to the game was freeing and, if she was honest, kind of exhilarating.

When Rhiannon was at the bar, the band stopped playing and the exhausted looking wedding planner appeared in the middle of the deck. “Join me in raising a glass to the future Dr. and Mrs. Lerner,” she said with her champagne flute in the air as Jackie and Vera appeared from behind the ice sculpture.

Jackie in a pretty blue dress and Vera in a coordinated blue suit, waved at all the clapping guests. Carmela didn’t clap. She couldn’t move. Seeing Jackie again was like encountering a phantom made real. The being that had been haunting her heart and her house materialized.

Waiting for the couple to get to her after greeting the other members of her group was nerve-wracking. How she wished Rhiannon had stayed with her, o ering the safety of a reassuring hand on her back.

“Carm, I’m so glad you made it. My planner told me she had a hell of a time nailing you down,” Jackie said with a broad smile after hugging her. “This is my fiancée, Vera,”

she introduced, pointing to the woman shifting uncomfortably behind her.

After some forced catching up questions, Jackie glanced around the room. “Where’s Liz? I haven’t seen her in so long.”

Before Carmela could explain, Rhiannon appeared with two Mojitos. The drink reminded her of the first night they kissed, and in that moment, she decided it was her new favorite.

“Jackie, Vera, I’d like to introduce you to Rhiannon, she’s my—”

Rhiannon jerked her hand out to shake Jackie’s, interrupting. “I’m her partner,” she said. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

Vera’s face immediately softened, and she pulled Rhiannon into an enthusiastic hug. Jackie, however, looked like someone wore white to her wedding. Carmela tried not to delight in her disappointment.

“What happened to Liz? Is she okay?” Jackie asked, pretending to care but fooling no one.

“There was a misunderstanding,” Rhiannon replied before Carmela could so much as open her mouth. “Carm didn’t think I’d make it back from Milan in time for the wedding, but I surprised her and let poor Liz o the hook.”

“I love Milan. We’re going as part of our honeymoon,”

Vera replied excitedly, her face bright and open for the first time.

Are you relieved I’m not here to make a scene because I brought a date? Did Jackie even give you a choice in inviting me?

Of course not.

Rhiannon matched her enthusiasm. “How lovely! I’ll be sure to give you some recommendations. There are a couple of fantastic new restaurants that opened just this month. To die for,” she said, wrapping her arm around Carmela’s waist.

All the color drained from Jackie’s face. Carmela tried not to be amused by her displeasure. Through gritted teeth she

smiled, looking like she’d swallowed a tack. “How wonderful.”

As soon as the planner pulled the couple away to greet other guests, Rhiannon dragged them near the band to slow dance next to the only other pair dancing.

“I didn’t know you’ve been to Milan,” Carmela whispered against her neck with mock surprise.

“Because I haven’t,” she chuckled, pressing her cheek against Carmela’s forehead as they swayed out of time with the music. “I’ll Google something tonight so I can give it to them. Judging by how much we hit it o , I’m sure Jackie would rather eat rocks than go anywhere I recommend.”

Carmela laughed. “You’re terrible.”

“And I’m only getting started.”