FOR A SOLID WEEK, Carmela managed to avoid being in the same room as Rhiannon. Now, on the eve of the party, Rhiannon wondered how she’d keep up the game of hide and seek while trapped together in a small group.

Wearing the red dress with gold accents her mother found for her, Rhiannon finished curling her hair and gathered it on one side with a white, feather barrette. With dark charcoal eye shadow and bold red lips, she barely recognized herself.

Downstairs, her parents convinced her she looked stunning. She wanted to believe them, but it was still too di erent and imposter syndrome chased her like her own shadow. They saw a gorgeous woman, but she saw a girl dressed up like a clown.

Thankfully, it was well before dinner when she set out for the island and didn’t have to contend with her sister. She didn’t need her confidence kneecapped on such an important day. There was already enough self-inflicted doubt making her crazy. The party was a risk, and having it flop wouldn’t just be demoralizing, but a massive waste of money.

As she thought about the catastrophic hit to her credit card, she prayed the event would work. Carmela had tried to pay all the costs up front, but Rhiannon refused and they

split it sixty-forty just like they would split the commission if they sold the house.

When we sell the house, Rhiannon corrected herself. The power of positive thinking had always been good to her.

By the time she drove up to Yeardsley’s house, the butterflies in her stomach were using her gut as a piñata.

What if no one else dresses in the party theme? She thought in a panic as the valet they hired took her car at the front door. It’s too late now. There was nothing else for her to change into.

Taking a deep breath, she let herself into the house. Once inside, Rhiannon threw herself into the task of preparation.

It helped stop her racing heart and overwhelming desire to throw up. Carmela had insisted on taking the first shift to handle the decorating, and judging by the absence of her car, had already left to get ready when Rhiannon arrived to handle the caterers and the jazz band.

There was no disagreeing with Carmela’s taste level. The living and dining rooms had been transformed into a speakeasy. Yeardsley’s furniture had been moved out and replaced with wine barrels as cocktail tables. Rented dark leather chairs added to the rich ambience. To Rhiannon’s relief, the bartender had taken the theme as seriously as she had and so had the band.

“Are we ready to start the cocktail hour?” Rhiannon asked as she walked into the kitchen. If anything tasted half as good as it smelled, the guests would be elated.

“Yep,” the caterer replied. “Here taste this,” she said before shoving a canapé in Rhiannon’s mouth before she could decline.

After recovering from the shock of being force fed, she indulged in the flavor. “OMG, that’s freaking delicious!”

The caterer smiled. “Here, try this one too. It’s my world-famous salmon mousse.”

Rhiannon followed her around the kitchen sampling the magnificent food before tasting the signature drink they

’d created for the event, a fun take on a Mojito that Rhiannon downed in five minutes to soothe her nerves.

She was so enthralled by the caterer talking about her London broil, she missed the woman standing at the other end of the kitchen.

“How are we doing back here? A couple of guests arrived just behind me. We might want to start o ering some food.”

Rhiannon turned toward the sound of Carmela’s voice, and her heart dropped out of her body. Wearing a gold dress with her hair in a neat updo, Carmela was a goddess.

Rhiannon stood motionless, unable to speak as she gawked.

Her burgeoning crush turned terminal.

Under the weight of her attention, Carmela smiled, her full lips painted deep violet. Rhiannon’s heart hammered so wildly in her chest she was sure she’d faint.

Carmela floated toward her as the caterer happily pointed out the evening’s o erings. Neither of them paid attention to her. Their eyes were locked on each other as if both were hypnotized. Every inch of Rhiannon’s body buzzed to life as she held her in her gaze.

When Carmela stopped a few inches short of her, Rhiannon’s heart stopped pumping. At long last, Carmela broke the silence.

“You look very nice,” Carmela said, her long lashes making her dark eyes even more captivating than usual.

The signal interference between Rhiannon’s brain and her mouth was insurmountable. Carmela’s mischievous expression gave away her delight at the gobsmacked reaction.

Before Rhiannon could tell her how stunning she looked, Carmela was already floating away like a barely visible

apparition. The goosebumps she’d left on her skin without touching her were definitely real.