Stuck in the backseat together, Rhiannon tried hard not to recall all the fights they’d had while forced into close quarters. It was impossible to pinpoint the moment her sister had started hating her. There’d always been vitriolic tirades and contempt.

CLIMBING INTO BED, all Rhiannon wanted to do was sleep and forget the dark cloud that had ruined her good mood. As she checked her phone for the last time before going to sleep, she was surprised to find a text from Carmela.

CB: Did you have to mace anybody today?

Rhiannon smiled against her will.


RR: Unfortunately no . . . got stuck putting an o er on that condo instead.

CB: Look at you. Killing it.

The encouragement sent a warm feeling creeping across her chest.

RR: It’s only a 60k deal in an over 55 community lol.

CB: Don’t knock it. Paying the bills is paying the bills.

After a texting lull, Rhiannon looked for something else to say. RR: Any word from the brokers that went to see Yeardsley’s place?

She didn’t think there would be; otherwise Carmela would’ve mentioned it, but she wanted to keep the conversation going. Talking to her was the first time in the last hour that she didn’t feel like shit.

CB: I got a couple of texts, but nothing too serious.

RR: Are we still talking about the house orrrrr . . .

Flirting wasn’t exactly Rhiannon’s area of expertise, and she realized that she’d defaulted to pulling-the-hair-of-the-girl-you-like tactics. Not her proudest moment, but it seemed to amuse Carmela.

CB: Do your parents even know you’re up this late?

Bedtimes are important when you’re still growing.

Rhiannon laughed out loud.

RR: Man, I hope I’m as funny as you when I grow up.

CB: Make sure you get your Flintstone’s vitamins, and I’m sure your brain will develop just fine.

RR: OMG those little chalk rocks??? No thx. I’ll stay underdeveloped and whatever the opposite of witty is.

CB: Then I guess a good night’s sleep is all you can count on.Long after they’d stopped texting, Rhiannon lay in bed staring up at the shiplap ceiling, thinking of Carmela. She was such an enigma, but damn if she wasn’t alluring.


SITTING IN HER OFFICE, Carmela was focused on her computer screen when her cellphone rang. An agent named Fabrizio from the broker’s open had sent his client in Barcelona information on the house and wanted to talk over dinner.

Once Fabrizio sent over the proof of funds documents, she accepted.

On a Friday night the o ce was emptier than usual. Even Liz had disappeared somewhere. Carmela refreshed her makeup, intending to head out to the restaurant alone, when she noticed the light on in Rhiannon’s o ce.

She paused near her doorway and looked at her through the glass wall. Instead of sitting behind her desk like a normal person, Rhiannon, a messy bun on her head, was kneeling on the floor as she drew colorful lines on a map between sticky notes with sale prices and dates for the area around Yeardsley’s house. Carmela focused on the notepad next to her but couldn’t read what she was writing down.

Bringing her could jeopardize her chances of wooing the prospective buyer’s agent. These dinners were often more precarious than first dates. Each side tried to find out everything they could while simultaneously not looking too eager or giving away their own hand. Rhiannon was so green

she might say the wrong thing, but she’d been working hard and following her lead without incident.

Before she could talk herself out of it, Carmela posted up on the open o ce door. “Hey, you hungry?”