Libby finished taking a photo of one of Freddie’s sculptures with her phone before she turned toward her and

grinned. “What does it look like? My grandmother was right.

You should have a marketing strategy that involves periodic fundraisers, the first of which we need to start planning.”

Reagan hugged Libby from behind and nestled her nose in the crook of her neck, soaking up the scent of her skin. In the moments they’d been apart, Reagan had already started to miss her. “Is that an appropriate fourth date activity?”

Libby chuckled as she covered Reagan’s arms with hers and willed her to squeeze her tighter. The gesture sent a flutter up Reagan’s stomach which lifted her heart into her throat. It was the best feeling she’d ever experienced. If this was what drugs were like, she could see how people got hooked.

“Is every time we see each other going to be a date?”

Libby joked before spinning around and pulling her in for a kiss.

“I think every time we walk in and out of the room it should be date,” Reagan decided before kissing her softly.

Libby laughed against her lips, sending Reagan’s heart racing. “I guess that’s only fair if we’re going to spend a day together.” Her green eyes, bright from the light streaming in and illuminating her face, shifted. “Unless you have something to do today. . . I was thinking maybe we could work on the fundraiser,” she added, showing a flash of the tightly wound woman she hadn’t seen in hours.

“There’s nothing I’d rather do than spend this day with you,” she confessed before bending and kissing her again.

Smiling, Libby held her tighter as if relieved by her response. “Good. So, how about you make us some cafesito?”

“Yes, ma’am,” she replied before stealing another kiss and striding away. “What do you know about selling art anyway?”

“Girl, please. I sell hope and intangible promises of future happiness for a living. A sculpture people can see and

understand and know exactly what they’re getting? No challenge.”

Libby’s confidence was hot as hell, and Reagan couldn’t stop grinning as she turned on the co ee machine she’d set up at the back of the studio at Peggy’s behest.

“I’m pretty sure we can fit like a thousand people in here,” she shouted so Reagan could hear her.

Reagan popped a little plastic cup in the machine and wandered back to Libby while the water heated. “And what exactly do you plan to do with a thousand people?”

Without looking up from where she was taking notes on her phone, Libby shrugged. “First one is the easiest. Have another art sale,” she said before grinning. “Except this time, you’re going to target people with money to spend, not just your students’ friends and families. You can only pull from that well so many times.” Libby’s eyes were radiant when she shifted her focus to her and away from her screen.

“And we’re going to get you out there. Find some auctions where you can give away classes, run ads on your social media posts, and I have a friend at the Miami New Times.

When I send her what you have and tell her all the great things you do, I’m sure she’ll want to run a piece on you.

Also, more classes for people who can a ord to pay you.”

It was obvious there was more on her list, but Reagan couldn’t stop herself from diving into her lips and cutting her o . “You’re really sexy when you’re all wound up about business-y things,” she confessed after releasing her lips.

Libby laughed, cupping Reagan’s face and keeping her close. “That’s what you call a plan for growth and success?

Business-y things?”

Reagan smirked. “Mm hmm, and it’s even cuter when you say it.” Lost in her soft face and wide eyes, Reagan’s heart pounded so hard against her chest it was impossible to take a normal breath.

“I minored in business, you know?” Libby said before running her thumb over Reagan’s bottom lip. “People would pay good money for my expertise.”

“I don’t doubt that for a second,” she agreed. “Name your price and you’ve got it. Except I’ll warn you, and this might be obvious, but seeing as you’re helping me raise capital,”

Reagan tried her best to sound serious, “I don’t have a lot of liquid assets on hand.”

Pretending to give her words due consideration, Libby tapped her chin. “I’m sure we can come up with a mutually beneficial arrangement.”

The sweet act caused Reagan’s chest to seize up. She dropped the game and turned to lean against the table holding a bunch of her trademark co ee mugs. “You really don’t have to do this. I know you’re super busy and have a tremendous amount of pressure on you.” Reagan smiled.