For their last picture, Reagan instructed her to look right at the camera, which she did. What she didn’t tell her was that she was going to kiss something other than her cheeks.

Starting at her jaw, Reagan placed a series of light kisses down the column of her neck and didn’t stop until she reached her collarbone. Each point of contact made Libby dizzier than the last. She blamed the heat and blinding sunlight.

“At least one of us is a good actor,” Reagan said cheerfully.

Libby was so disoriented she hadn’t noticed when the woman had taken the phone from her. With her chin resting on Libby’s shoulder, she hadn’t even noticed that she’d stopped kissing her. Her skin was still buzzing as if warm lips were still pressed against it.

Shifting, Libby cleared her throat. “What?”

“The pics,” she said, turning the screen for Libby to see.

“Those are some Oscar-winning heart-eyes you’re channeling.”

The sound of Reagan’s laughter restarted her brain.

“Yeah, well. I tried,” she lied. She hadn’t tried, she’d barely been in her body. What the hell was that?

“I don’t know about you, but I’m hot as hell. Ready to cool o ?” Reagan asked before sliding the phone back into her pocket.

“Yeah,” she squeaked before clearing her throat again.


C H A P T E R 5

FEELING AUDACIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC, Libby picked up the two white bakery boxes full of French treats and stacked them in her backseat. For the last twenty-four hours, she’d worked overtime doing damage control over the Davis breakup and new relationship news.

It hadn’t been as simple as posting on her blog and vlog like she hoped. Kiss Me Quick or KMQ, her modern take on the Cassanova Matchmaking brand, had a lot of followers thanks to her popular videos and advice column, but the KMQ brand couldn’t reach all the people suddenly drawn to the recent soap opera quality of her life. Convincing her clients that she had everything under control and nothing in their service would change was a bumpier ride.

Balancing the pastry boxes on one hand as she stepped into the elevator, Libby’s phone buzzed in the pocket of her white blazer. After sliding her sunglasses o her face to hold back her loose hair, she fished out the phone.

Zena: Hey girl! Long time no see! Sorry to hear about the split with Davis. I was already going carb-free while waiting for the save the date. HIS LOSS! Are you doing okay?

Libby smiled. She and Zena had been inseparable all through college. Neither of them had ever been away from home before and were elated to be paired as dormmates. As

the first semester wore on, they realized just how lucky they’d been as others shared horror stories about the people they’d been forced to room with. Rules about boys in the dorm and respecting each other’s space had been easy for them to follow since they’d both gone to college with a purpose and rarely lost that focus.

Libby: I’m doing great! We just grew into di erent people going in di erent directions. It hurts, but it happens. Excited for the next chapter of my life!

She hadn’t meant to use her trademark it hurts, but it happens platitude and hoped Zena didn’t call her out for it.

Zena: You’re so right. No sense in crying over spilled

men! I’m here if you need me, okay? We can have a virtual happy hour and trash talk that Jim Morrison wannabe.

Libby chuckled, earning a curious glance from the suited man standing next to her. Before he could creep closer and glance over her shoulder, she turned her phone at an angle.

Libby: I’m in for the happy hour, but out on the Davis talk!

Zena replied with a gif of Beyoncé patting her hair.

Zena: I have to run. I’ve got a patient waiting. But listen, I’m planning a trip to Miami! I need to hear the details of this lady-loving moment you’re having IN PERSON. I mean your girl looks really cute from what you posted on your IG. Very Kristen Stewart devil-may-care energy. I need DEETS. I’ll text you later and we can coordinate when works for you. LOVE YOU MEAN IT.

Libby stared at her phone as the elevator stopped to let people out on the twentieth floor. The fauxmance was easy enough to sell online, but to her friend? That was more lying than she’d prepared for. Libby took a deep cleansing breath and calmed her racing heart. Zena had been talking about visiting for three years and had never moved o the planning stage. As a pediatrician in a busy practice in Houston, taking time o was almost impossible.

Libby: Let me know when! I’d love to see you! You’re way overdue for a vacation!

When the elevator finally opened on her floor after filling and emptying along the way, Libby was holding onto her positivity with a white-knuckled grip.