What the hell was she about to witness?

“Can we get going?” Stephanie asked, her finger on a button on the camera.

Alex nodded.

“Okay, quiet on set,” Stephanie barked loudly, but looked only at Charlotte when she did. “Turn your phone o ,” she commanded.

Charlotte gritted her teeth. “I didn’t bring it.”

After a slight eye roll, Stephanie turned back to the camera and pressed down. Simultaneously, Alex hit a key and an intro music played.

Tony and Leah smiled at the camera before introducing themselves using di erent names. With practiced ease, they explained the day’s topic. Strap-ons.

Glancing at Alex, who looked entirely relaxed, Charlotte wondered what other kinds of instructional videos she’d produced. Her attention was called back to the set when the tell-tale sound of a zipper unfastening tore through the room.

Forcing herself not to react, Charlotte watched Tony take o his pants. Her eyes trained on his face, she listened to him explain what the hollow space in the realistic toy was for and what kind of lubricant he recommended while placing himself inside the opening. Despite learning more about

male anatomy than she ever needed to know, it was truly more instructional than salacious.

When he’d finished explaining the di erent reasons a person with a penis might want to use an aid like this, Leah explained that the rest of the video was relevant to anybody using a strap-on irrespective of the wearer or partner’s anatomy.

Impressed by the surprisingly sensitive gender-neutral language, Charlotte leaned in and paid attention. She only wished she’d brought something to take notes with. Fully dressed, Leah mimed di erent positions as the receiver while they took turns o ering tips and tricks for pleasuring partners of all sorts.

An hour flew by so quickly that Charlotte was surprised when they wrapped up and signed o . She hated to admit that she thought Alex was a little full of shit when she said part of what they did was teach. She’d rather admit she was wrong about that than acknowledge the shame coursing through her body and inducing nausea. Alex was really showing her the ropes and planning for a future together.

“What do you think?” Alex asked as she shut the laptop and placed it on the table.

“I don’t know what I was expecting,” she admitted trying to overcome the queasiness, “but it wasn’t that.”

Alex smirked. “I noticed you were very interested. I’m sure either one would be happy to give you private instruction.” She paused. “Or both of them.”

There was an undercurrent to Alex’s words. Something she wasn’t saying. Was she jealous? Had Charlotte looked too eager?

“If I’m going to learn anything,” Charlotte replied, leaning close enough to smell the comforting fragrance of Alex’s house, “I’ll go directly to the source.”

Alex’s dark eyes glistened. It was the right answer.

Lost in her enthralling beauty, panic spiked through Charlotte’s chest. “What if a client records the video and someone else sees it?”

With furrowed brows, Alex conveyed her surprise at the abrupt question. “There’s no function for that. The platform precludes anyone from running screen recording software on their computer.”

Charlotte shook her head. “That’s really easy to bypass. If they’re on a laptop they can just record with their phone. You can’t see what’s happening on the other side of the computer. Or what if someone shares the link? You should use a di erent code every time,” she added, her mind racing at how many ways this well-intentioned service could be infiltrated and used against Alex.

“It’s not a traceable stream,” Stephanie snapped in open annoyance. “Plus, do you think we’re stupid? Nothing about this is illegal.”

“I sent you my test link,” Alex explained. “Clients have to enter a password and verify their identity, which includes an age check. Even if they showed it to someone, which they know they’re not supposed to do, there is never any mention on the videos about the business.”

Charlotte nodded and didn’t say another word until they’d finished breaking down the set and returned it to an ordinary suite once again. She and Alex were the last to

leave, something Charlotte guessed was intentional on both sides.

“Are you having doubts?” Alex started as soon as Stephanie left with the bag full of toys they’d used for the demonstration.

Charlotte wondered where they were taken to be cleaned and sanitized. It was easier to imagine some industrial sex toy washing machine than decipher the conflicting feelings wreaking havoc inside her body.

Moving closer to where Charlotte was leaning against the bedroom doorway, Alex looked concerned. “If you’re not comfortable with this, I completely understand. This isn’t a job for everyone and—”

“No,” Charlotte interrupted, reaching out and taking Alex’s hand. “It’s not that at all.”