Alex laughed, a deep and hus

ky thing that never failed to send Charlotte’s heart soaring. “Well…” Alex sauntered toward her. “You just happened to make my absolute favorite food in the world and now it tastes like my childhood too. That’s a pretty amazing birthday present.”

The closer she got, the more di cult it was to breathe.

Would she ever get used to her? Part of her hoped not while another part of her was constantly aware of the expiration date stamped on their relationship.

Alex cupped Charlotte’s face. The contact was light, but it ignited every nerve ending in Charlotte’s body. It seemed

that Alex’s touch was only having more of an e ect on her, not less.

“Thank you for this,” Alex said softly, her dark eyes saying more than her lips. So much more. “It’s one of the best presents I’ve ever received.”

Charlotte’s battered heart leapt into her mouth. The simple sentiment was overwhelming, and Charlotte didn’t know how to pivot away from it. There was no joke to make, no way to turn this into sex like she often did when a moment became too serious.

She was trapped in Alex’s gaze. Fixed in a glistening prison like an ancient insect fossilized in amber. Frozen in her own beautiful cage.

“I really wanted this to be special,” Charlotte confessed despite herself. It was the wrong thing to say if her aim was to deescalate the intensity building in the small space between them.

Alex’s attention dropped to Charlotte’s lips before returning to her eyes. Charlotte didn’t expect the emotion welling up in Alex’s eyes, but she expected the one breaking out of her own chest even less.

“You’ve really made my birthday special.”

Charlotte fingers trembled as she fidgeted with the edge of Alex’s shirt instead of picking at her nails. Alex wasn’t talking about the food. She was talking about her.

“I’m really glad you waltzed into my o ce all arrogant and determined to leave with a job,” Alex decided, one corner of her mouth curling into a tiny smile.

Charlotte laughed, grateful to release the pent-up energy she was afraid would make her confess something she

wasn’t ready to feel. Something she couldn’t let herself feel.

“Arrogant, huh?” Charlotte wrapped her arms around her waist and held her close. “That’s how you remember our first meeting?”

Alex quirked an eyebrow, challenging Charlotte to disagree.

“I wasn’t cocky, I just really wanted to work under you.”

She bit her bottom lip before continuing. “And on top of you.

And behind you.”

Alex threw her head back and laughed, but she stopped Charlotte roving hands before they could unfasten her jeans.

“All a ploy to get into my pants, huh?”

Charlotte feigned ignorance, but she’d landed a little too close to the truth for her liking.

“You’ll have time for that later,” Alex decided before pulling away. “Let’s see what the Maximiliano and Charlotte combo came up with.”

AS SOON AS Alex stepped outside, she was impressed.

Charlotte had obviously given the decor a lot of thought.

Instead of using the back patio lights, Charlotte set up quite a few glass hurricane vases with huge white candles inside.

The glow they produced, combined with the blue glow of the pool, was striking.

On the long, outdoor wood table, she created a centerpiece of di erently sized white candles interspersed with all kinds of dried flower petals. The fragrance was lovely and as enchanting as the starry night sky above.