“Alex,” Franklin boomed as he started toward them with his long arms widespread. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he added before giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek.

“Franklin, this is Charlotte.” She gestured between them to make the introduction.

In dramatic fashion, Franklin took Charlotte’s hand, bent forward, and kissed it. It was the kind of move only someone as gregarious as Franklin could pull o without earning an eye roll.

“Is this the Downton Abbey experience?” Charlotte joked, earning a laugh from Franklin.

“What can I say? Being in the company of such stunning women brings out the Earl of Grantham in me.”

Charlotte smiled. “I was always partial to Edith.”

“Edith?” Franklin slipped his hand in his pocket as he took a sip of something the color of rich honey in a rocks glass. “That whiny, sad sack?”

“Imagine what you would be like if you had to grow up in Mary’s insu erable shadow,” Charlotte countered.

Unable to chime in on a television show she’d never seen, Alex sipped her drink and watched Franklin’s gray eyes glisten. They only brightened as the minutes went on and Charlotte somehow turned the conversation to sports, a move she wouldn’t have expected.

You’re an enchanting little chameleon, aren’t you?

Before Alex could physically steer them elsewhere, perhaps somewhere more private, a handful of other guests

made their way toward the football talk Alex couldn’t even pretend to care about.

Two drinks later, Franklin mercifully began the process of extricating himself from the conversation he was obviously enjoying. For the first time ever, Alex still had energy in her reserves thanks to Charlotte taking the brunt of the small talk.

“I have to go make the rounds before Karyanne drags me home by the ear telling me what an abysmal host I am,”

Franklin said in what Alex was sure was only partial jest.

He turned to Alex before placing his empty glass on a passing tray. “Listen, there’s someone I want you to meet.

His name is Eric. A big IT manager guy just moved here from San Jose. I told him about the best little resort in town.”

“I’ll keep my eyes peeled,” Alex replied with a tight smile, wishing the Thatchers would shut the hell up in front of Charlotte. Why were they assuming she knew anything about her other business?

With her hand on the small of Charlotte’s back, Alex started toward the deck at the front of the ship.

“I can’t believe we’re heading back already,” Charlotte said as she leaned against the railing, looking first at the dark water and then at the horizon.

Alex moved around her, blocking the worst of the wind with her body as Charlotte moved her hair to one side. She was absolutely stunning in the moonlight.

How di erent the evening would have been without her?

Alex would have moved through the night on autopilot, saying enough of the right things to maintain her place in society, but counting the minutes until she was back home to

her sanctuary. But with Charlotte at her side, she was also disappointed that they were cutting through the gentle waves and cruising toward the skyline.

“What are you thinking about?” Charlotte asked, turning to rest her back against the railing as Alex instinctively rested her arm on the polished metal and around Charlotte’s waist.

“Me?” Alex asked innocently. “Well, I guess I’m lamenting that I don’t have a boat, but I do know a few goats that love sunrise yoga.” She hoped Charlotte understood the veiled invitation.

Charlotte’s response was a wry smile before she wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck. “That sounds even better than another lap around the bay.”

Her kiss was soft, but it reverberated through Alex’s body like a thunderous echo over the Grand Canyon. With salt in the air, wind on their skin, and the moon casting a silvery light over them, it was like the universe was telling her to go forward with its blessing.

“I packed an overnight bag,” Charlotte whispered against her lips. “Just in case.”

Alex held her tight. She couldn’t articulate her delight at the news, but she would show it to her on her couch, in her bed, in the solarium, and any other surface she could press Charlotte against.