Indulging her, Alex matched her energy, holding her face with both hands as if to kiss her more precisely. Alex’s touch was always so sensual, so easy, she made Charlotte feel like an overexcited teenager fumbling clumsily in the backseat of a borrowed car. Charlotte tried to pace herself, but in the hours they’d been apart, she’d craved her. Ached for her body on a visceral, chemical level.

The sound of leaf blowers in the distance broke Charlotte’s trance. “Can they see in here?”

Alex glanced toward the wall of windows and the landscapers working outside. “If they get close enough,” she decided before plunging into Charlotte’s sensitive neck with tongue and teeth.

“How about your bathroom?” Charlotte asked between breathless gasps as Alex bit her clavicle.

Agreeing without saying a word, Alex intertwined her fingers in Charlotte’s and started for a closed door on the other end of the o ce. The bathroom was small, little more than a double sink console and a mirror but decorated with the same elegance as the rest of the spa. Nothing like the charming homeyness of the farm.

The edge of the cold granite dug into Charlotte’s tailbone as Alex pressed her hips into her before capturing her in another heart-stopping kiss. Charlotte clawed at the thick material of Alex’s dress while trying to get it over her thighs.

As she did, Alex’s tongue left a searing line over her throat and down her chest.

As Alex lingered in her exposed cleavage, Charlotte yearned to tangle her fingers in her hair, to feel the long strands tickling her thighs before tasting every inch of her.

“Tell me. . .” Alex unbuttoned the button at the center of her chest and kissed the newly exposed skin.

The touch of her lips connected directly to Charlotte’s throbbing core.

“When you got dressed this morning. . .” another button pried apart was met with a kiss and an intense flutter in her stomach. “Is this what you had in mind?”

The question was followed by the unfastening of Charlotte’s thin belt. Before Alex could get any further, Charlotte drew her back up and kissed her deeply. She needed to feel Alex’s skin against hers.

Pulling o the cream-colored blazer, Charlotte exposed the strong arms that had held her close all weekend.

Charlotte traced the black and gray rose painted on her shoulder before letting her finger drop down the remainder of the tattoo and taking hold of her wrist. Hungrily, Charlotte kissed the Roman numerals etched there.

As Charlotte kissed a trail up Alex’s forearm, Alex moaned her approval. She wanted to tell her that she loved knowing the secret of her painted body but couldn’t put into words that didn’t sound overly dramatic.

In a single fluid motion, Alex spun her around, forcing her to face the mirror as she pressed against her back.

Looking at her reflection, Alex untucked Charlotte’s open shirt, bearing her pale blue bra.

“Flawless," Alex said as she ran her open palms over Charlotte’s chest and down her abdomen.

Resting her body against Alex, Charlotte turned her head to kiss her as Alex’s left hand yanked down the cup of Charlotte’s bra.

Alex’s lips hovered over her waiting mouth and whispered, “I want you to watch,” while withholding her kiss.

The denial sent a rush of pained desire through Charlotte’s body. It was quickly accelerated by Alex’s left hand on her bare breast. The tattooed arm across her flushed chest was fuel to the fire raging in her.

With e ort, Charlotte kept her eyes open as Alex kissed the back of her neck. Her sensitive skin erupted in a rush of heat and goosebumps as Alex kissed and bit her so hard; the actions would surely leave a mark. The prospect was exhilarating. Wearing her hair down for a few days would be a small price to pay.

“You never answered my question,” Alex said as she pulled down the zipper on Charlotte’s trousers.

When her right hand slipped into Charlotte’s silky underwear, Alex moaned against the nape of her neck. She was obviously pleased with the slick arousal she’d caused.

“What question?” Charlotte managed as her heart thumped more quickly. It was hard to think with Alex’s fingers moving in slow circles.

A lopsided grin formed as slowly as morning dew on Alex’s full lips as she gazed into Charlotte’s half-lidded eyes.

“You really never struck me as forgetful. Did you plan this?”

The question was an accusation punctuated by the tip of Alex’s finger slipping e ortlessly inside.

Charlotte gasped and moaned, but she willed her eyes to remain open. “Yes,” she confessed in a whisper that was felt more than it was heard. “I hoped.”

Alex smiled in earnest. “I’d like to have seen that.” She gripped her breast harder as if taking ownership of her. As if stepping into the Alexandra Leon persona, something changed in her eyes. Power poured from her. Control was so easy for her. So e ortless.