Alex’s lips twitched but nothing else moved. She didn’t back away from Charlotte, but she didn’t close the gap either. “I’m starving,” she whispered low and guttural.

Charlotte felt the vibration of her words like an earthquake shattering her apart. A new and more visceral need pulled at her, making her ache. “Me too,” she replied.

“Great,” Alex said before straightening and walking around to the back of her desk. “Would you like to have dinner?” she added with the same casual disconnect of the grocery store clerk asking if she wanted to donate a dollar to charity.


Alex hooked her expensive Italian purse to the crook of her arm. “Dinner,” she repeated. “Food,” she added as if the concept was the problem. “Didn’t you just say you were hungry.”

Charlotte almost insisted that she’d meant something else, but her brain restarted in time to stop herself. “Yeah,

for sure. Let’s do it. I’ll grab my stu .”


LOOKING through the rearview mirror of her black Range Rover, Alex confirmed that Charlotte was still following in her sedan. It surprised her when Charlotte didn’t accept her o er of a ride. She stifled a grin. Alex didn’t give up her desire to drive either, and now they were traveling separately to the little restaurant on Miracle Mile, the main road in Coral Gables full of shops and eateries.

After begrudgingly giving her keys to the valet, Alex straightened her pantsuit and strode to the sidewalk. She waited for Charlotte, who had parked in a nearby garage.

When she caught sight of a blonde flash in her peripheral vision, Alex slipped her phone into her pocket and watched her walk toward her. Having ditched her blazer and ponytail in the car, Charlotte was undeniably beautiful as she floated toward her in a loose, hunter green dress.

Each footstep toward her made Alex feel a little more alive. When she was within shouting distance, Charlotte o ered her a momentary smile. Alex focused on the beauty mark by her lip, which called to her like a siren. Something deep inside her stirred.

“This place looks cute. I’ve never been here,” Charlotte commented as she looked at a large flamingo statue standing guard by the front door. Instead of the expected pink, his six-foot tall frame was decorated with an array of oranges. It was one of several hundred littered around the city. The vestiges of an old public art project.

“It’s been here since before you were born.” Alex couldn’t help herself.

Charlotte glared at her for a moment before reaching for the door and opening it for Alex. “How exciting,” she decided with a roll of her eyes.

Alex smirked and followed her into the tiny restaurant where Caribbean food was served with a fancy flare. A few dark wood tables were staggered around the front and a long matching bar lined the back. Alex had her eye on the left side, where mosquito nets were hung like drapes around tables to give the feel of eating outside. The host led them to the back corner where the fabric gave them the illusion of walls and privacy.

“Cute touch,” Charlotte said, running her fingertips over the gauzy fabric before sitting at the table.

Alex refrained from showing it, but she liked that Charlotte was pleased. As they looked over the menu, Charlotte made no attempts at small talk. It was as if she was perfectly comfortable sitting with her while quietly focused on making a dinner selection.

As she watched her out of the corner of the eye and pretended to read the menu, Alex realized she was drawn to Charlotte in the same way she might stay up late to read a good mystery novel. She couldn’t stop turning pages until

she figured out the puzzle even if she knew she’d pay the price later.

“What’s good here?” Charlotte asked after thoroughly studying the o erings.

“I like the crispy skin branzino,” Alex replied before taking a sip of wine the server poured in her glass.

Charlotte’s blue eyes didn’t register understanding.

“It’s a sea bass—”

“I know,” Charlotte snapped. “It sounds great,” she added in a softer tone.

Alex lifted her glass. “Cheers.”

With flushed pink cheeks, Charlotte raised her glass too.


“Where are you from, Charlotte?”

“Born and raised in Miami,” she replied, o ering no supporting details.