“She’s the best, isn’t she?” the man asked with a wry smile as he kept his eyes closed and head tipped back as if half-asleep.

“Life changing,” Charlotte decided before copying his relaxed posture and allowing the newly forged connection to

her body to continue. All these rich people in their catatonic states finally made sense.

It was nearly dark when Charlotte emerged from the spa’s shower cleansed of scented massage oils but still buzzing from the invigorating experience. Dressed in her work dress and blazer again, she left her hair in a high ponytail and sauntered back to her o ce.

The glow at the end of the waterfall hallway stopped her.

If Alexandra was still there, she was going to thank her.

Charlotte only got as far as halfway before Alexandra’s door swung open revealing a suited man with a beet red face.

He darted by her without so much as looking at her. Not that she wanted to make eye contact with that scowl.

A moment after the man hustled out of the o ce, Alexandra appeared in the doorway.

“Charlotte,” she said in open surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s after hours. I didn’t think there’d be anyone in your o ce,” she explained without answering her questions. “I didn’t mean to.” She changed course to the more important matter. “Are you okay?”

Alexandra’s strong features softened only slightly. “I’m fine. Some people aren’t used to hearing the word no.”

Charlotte didn’t know what to say. Had she walked in on the tail end of a lover’s quarrel? Whatever it was, the energy was tense and uncomfortable.

As if suddenly remembering why Charlotte was there so late, Alexandra stepped away from the door and motioned for Charlotte to follow her inside. “How was Candy?”

Reconnecting to the euphoric buzz in her body, Charlotte dropped her shoulders. “Not what I expected,” she admitted as Alexandra approached her desk.

Alexandra stopped and turned around, her long dark hair bouncing on her back as she did. “What?” Her sculpted eyebrows knitted together as she rested her hand on her hip.

“She’s the most sought-after massage therapist we have.”

Charlotte smirked. Therein existed the problem. Candy had given Charlotte the best massage on the planet. Just a massage.

Moving closer, emboldened by the heady pleasure of deep tissue tension release, Charlotte decided to push. “I suppose I was in the mood for something else.”

Alexandra’s perfume was rich and only added to the floati

ng sensation lifting her out of her heels. She didn’t move back when Charlotte closed in on her personal space.

Erasing it.

“And what were you looking for?” Alex’s dark gaze dropped to the lips Charlotte was intentionally parting.

Moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue, Charlotte drug her teeth over her own bottom lip. “I was craving a di erent type of touch, I suppose,” she replied in a low voice she hoped prompted filthy thoughts in Alex’s mind.

Instead of replying, Alexandra studied her with equal parts curiosity and intrigue. Each weighted moment that passed eroded Charlotte’s confidence. She hadn’t read their shared chemistry wrong, had she?

“Why does it feel like you’re always baiting me into committing an employment law violation?”

Alex’s words were low and breathy as her eyes bored into her it caused an immediate reaction in Charlotte’s body. Her skin warmed. Her pulse jumped. Desire pulled low in her belly. Fuck .

Forcing herself out of the dark, brown depths, Charlotte managed a lopsided grin. They were at a tipping point. Which way would it go? Not knowing brought a new level of terrifying exhilaration.

“It’s only a violation if the attention is unwanted,”

Charlotte said, leaning forward. “I know what I want,” she added softly, lost in the curves of Alex’s perfectly shaped, full mouth. “Do you?”