Was she really willing to have sex with a stranger if the opportunity arose? It was the worry that had been quietly vexing her. What she’d been running away from. But, despite her best e orts, it chased her down and slammed into her hard and fast as she rinsed shampoo out of her long hair.

The sex part wasn’t her biggest concern, although she expected it could be a little awkward. If there was some level of attraction between them it would be okay. Plus, if this was Candy’s job, she was probably used to first-timers and getting people comfortable. It would be like a one-night stand, something Charlotte had done plenty of times before.

Just minus the boozy night at the bar first.

As Charlotte adjusted to the idea that she might really be doing this, she lathered her legs and reached for the razor hanging from a suction cup to an ugly green, square tile.

Just in case. How embarrassing to assault poor Candy with anything but smooth skin.

Charlotte considered what might be bothering her was the prospect of committing a crime. The thought of getting in trouble made the sore muscles in her abdomen tense up.

Growing up, she and Jay had to actively work to stay out of trouble. Other kids gave them all kinds of shit for it. Saw them as suckers for not knowing how the world worked. But they always had bigger dreams that extended beyond immediate survival. To thrive, they had to safeguard their futures from ruin.

I’ll deny it , she decided as she ran the razor over her bikini line. It would be their word against mine . Wouldn’t it seem believable that they manufactured accusations against her just to make her look bad? To annihilate her credibility?

Unease seeped from Charlotte’s muscles to her gut like winter through a cracked window. She liked working at Ataraxia. All the people she’d met so far were kind and hardworking. The image of Alexandra invaded her thoughts.

If she was selling sex between consenting adults . . . was that so bad?

Charlotte banished the doubts. Alexandra was an intelligent and educated woman. If she was running a brothel, she knew it was illegal. That was her choice.

Whatever consequences they faced were none of Charlotte?

?s concern.

Her self-assurances were enough to propel Charlotte to the resort on Tuesday morning ready to jump in with both feet. As she worked, she continuously monitored the clock on the bottom right hand of her computer screen. Her heart raced as the time inched closer to five.

She was Candy’s last appointment. Was that by design? Is that when she saw her regulars ? Charlotte didn’t risk writing anything down, but she made a mental note and went to brush her teeth after lunch. Just in case.

Candy, whose given name was Candace, was a licensed massage therapist with significant advanced training. A long way to go just for show, leading Charlotte to believe that some of her clients had to be legit. She’d find a way to gain access to the booking software. Maybe there’d be a pattern for treatments or clients.

When it was finally the moment of truth, Charlotte followed Paola to the elegant locker room where she and Alex had changed into flip flops.

“Put on one of those,” Paola instructed, pointing at the neatly hung robes at the back of the locker room. “You can stay in your under garments if you feel more comfortable or go commando,” she explained with a wink.

Heat crawled up Charlotte’s face, but she pretended to laugh. It was more nervous convulsion than expression of delight, but Paola continued with her well-rehearsed instructions.

“When you’re ready, just pop back out here and have a seat by the fountain. They suggest you drink some water before and after. Helps clear the toxins, you know?”

Charlotte nodded as if she knew.

Paola’s smile was as blinding as the surface of the sun, prompting Charlotte to wonder how tired her face muscles must be at the end of the day. “When Candy is ready, she’ll come and get you. You’re going to love it,” she added with an eyebrow wiggle.

How much do you know?

A few minutes later, Charlotte emerged in a plush, white robe covering the nicest bra and panty set she owned. It wasn’t too crazy. Just a matching black set from Target, but it looked cute on her modest curves.

Charlotte feigned ease in the foreign environment as she joined a couple of others sitting in the lounge. Without cell phones, they were all left to gaze at the water feature at the center and listen to the musical stylings of a pan flute.

Skipping the water with herbs or vegetation inside, Charlotte made the best of her situation and poured a glass of water with orange slices at the top. The basil flavor was an unwelcome surprise, but she didn’t flinch lest she give herself away as an imposter. She gulped it down as quickly as she could before sitting silently and staring at the ball rolling at the top of the fountain.

Is this supposed to be relaxing? With nothing to distract herself, all Charlotte could do was think about the impending meeting with Candy. She’d much prefer to busy her mind and her thumbs with a rousing game of 2048. Instead, she was sitting with strangers staring at a fountain and trying not to think about the fact they were all naked, or nearly so, under the borrowed Ataraxia robes.

“Charlotte,” a woman in pressed white scrubs appeared in the doorway.

It required considerable e ort for Charlotte not to jump to her feet like a deranged Jack in the Box. “Yes.”

“Are you ready to come with me?”