As soon as she was sure Charlotte was gone, Alex tossed the pen on the desk and tipped back in her chair. The slick wetness clinging to her silky underwear made it clear she had unmet desires of her own.


AN UNEXPECTED RAINSTORM kept Charlotte inside for lunch.

While she stu ed nacho cheese tortilla chips in her face, she hoped her car wouldn’t miss their usual midday date. Dead smack in the middle of hurricane season in south Florida meant plenty of spoiled plans and rainy afternoons.

“That looks interesting.” Alex’s husky voice forced her attention away from three open spreadsheets.

Standing in the doorway, Alex was stunning in a white pantsuit and crisp, coral blouse. The combination made her newly tanned skin radiant. Charlotte’s brain short-circuited as she struggled to send signals to her mouth to move, but she couldn’t even blink.

“Is now a bad time?” Alex asked. The playful smile that danced on her lips gave away her delight at Charlotte’s momentary lapse.

Forcing herself back to her senses, Charlotte cleared her throat. “Just having lunch.” It was inarticulate and didn’t really answer the question, but it was the best she could do under the circumstances.

Alex glanced at the chips and half-eaten turkey sandwich.

“Looks delicious.”

The perceived snark shocked Charlotte back into her body.

“Want some?”

Alex’s dark eyes darted from her face to her food. No way would someone as fancy pants as her eat highly processed foods. It was nothing like the high-octane nutritious sludge she poured down her gullet daily.

Instead of politely declining, Alex surprised her by leaning forward, forcing Charlotte to glance away to avoid ogling her ample cleavage. It was too late. The image of the tiny tan line across Alex’s chest was seared into Charlotte’s brain, prompting thoughts of Alex in a bikini top. She’d only just stopped thinking about their recent encounters. The smoldering fire needed no fuel.

When Charlotte returned her attention to the woman across the desk, Alex was popping a tortilla chip in her mouth. “Delicious.”

“Better not let Herman see you,” Charlotte joked, desperate to regain her cool composure. “I’m sure his healthy smoothies don’t contain powdered cheese byproducts.”

Alex snagged another chip before cleaning her fingertips on the edge of Charlotte’s napkin. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

Charlotte's smile broke free of her restraint. “All your secrets are safe with me. Accountant-client privilege.”

“I didn’t know there was such a thing.” Her dark eyes gleamed, increasing Charlotte’s body heat.

Jesus, does she ever set those things to anything other than stun? Kill . There’s probably a kill setting. Her head spun

thinking about that level of devastation.

“Privilege?” Charlotte managed after a beat. “It’s a thing.

Codified in a Florida statute and everything.” She didn’t explain that it didn’t extend federally or attach to criminal acts. She hadn’t asked for specifics, and it might help with earning her trust if she believed Charlotte was legally bound to keep her mouth shut.

“I heard back from my attorney,” Alex said abruptly. “He said you were right.”

“I’m right about so many things,” Charlotte interrupted playfully. “Remind me. What was I right about?”

Alex rolled her eyes, but the slight curve in her lips reflected her ongoing amusement. “Your little idea for a third-party donor is technically legal.”

Leaning back in her chair, Charlotte took a long swig from her water bottle. “Told you.”

Alex’s angular face stilled. “Has anyone shown you what we do here?”

Charlotte nearly choked on her water but resisted the urge to cough it out of her lungs. “I can’t say the HR lady gave me a tour,” she replied as coolly as she could without adding that she could die in that o ce and no one would notice.

“Come on,” Alex said as she stood, stealing another chip on her way to the door.