“because it’s yours.”

With the weight of Alex’s head on her chest, Charlotte closed her eyes and enjoyed feeling unafraid.

“THE SECRET to a perfect grilled cheese is making it in the oven,” Charlotte announced as she opened the little glass door of the toaster oven sitting on her counter.

Dressed in a pair of Charlotte’s basketball shorts and a Habitat for Humanity t-shirt, Alex leaned against the fridge and smiled. She loved being with Charlotte like this. She’d take it over a Michelin Star restaurant any day.

“And what makes an oven grilled cheese so good?” she asked, unable to resist pulling Charlotte into an embrace when she closed the tiny oven door.

Charlotte smiled. In the middle of the night, and after just a few hours of accidental sleep, her eyes were brighter than they’d been since Barcelona.

“Crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside,”

Charlotte replied before o ering a chef’s kiss. “You’ll be sold the moment you dip it into the creamy tomato soup. Life changing.”

Alex’s chest filled to bursting. “You’ve already changed so many other parts of my life. Let’s see how much more we can revamp.”

Instead of laughing, Charlotte averted her eyes to the floor. “I’m so sorry that your business is ruined.”

Alex leaned back to get a better look at her. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I’m sorry it’s over. Although, I was thinking maybe you can finally open that sanctuary for the rescued farm animals you’ve been talking about.”

Nodding, Alex agreed. “I’ve been drawing out some plans, but what does that have to do with my business?”

Charlotte knitted her blonde eyebrows together. “You’re walking away from it, right? I mean, after everything that’s happened, you can’t continue—”

Alex released her. “I completely understand if you don’t want to be involved. With the scare you had, I doubt anyone would want to put themselves at risk again. Although I do hope it doesn’t mean you want to end things with me,” she added as the possibility loomed over like a dark storm cloud.

“No,” Charlotte darted forward and back to her arms.

“I’m not saying that. I guess I just assumed you were done. I don’t ever want to be apart from you again.”

Alex smiled and kissed her cheek, loving how she still carried her scent all over her skin. “I don’t expect you to jump back into anything.”

“What? And let someone else take credit for making your books audit-proof?” Charlotte joked. “I’m in.”

“Yeah?” Alex’s chest tightened; she hadn’t had too much time to think about the future, and she hadn’t expected this.

“You’re really ride or die like that?”

Charlotte grinned mischievously. “Hell, yeah. Let’s just not tell my brother. It’ll stress him out.” The smell of melting cheese called Charlotte’s attention back to the

toaster oven. “So, what do we do? We just get up and go to work like nothing happened?”

Reaching for the pot on the stove, Alex ladled warmed up tomato soup into two bowls. “No, we’ll stay in a holding pattern for another little while, and it’ll be at least a year before I accept any new clients. In the meantime, I’m forcing you to take a vacation.”

Charlotte flipped the sandwiches and closed the door again. “I’m pretty sure you can’t make me. Isn’t Linda my boss?”

Smirking Alex rolled her eyes. “I’m not forcing you as your boss. I’m forcing you as your girlfriend who needs to make sure you practice some self-care. You’ve been through a lot. A little time to relax will do you good.”

Charlotte wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck and kissed her. “I’ll agree on one condition.”

“State your terms,” Alex demanded as she kissed her neck.

“If I go on vacation, you go with me.”

Alex pretended to consider it. “You drive a hard bargain.”