She was so sure Charlotte had been the person she was waiting for. Someone to share not just her life with, but to help her shoulder the business. A real partner in every sense.

Alex blinked hard, but it was too late to stop the escaping tear. That desire for someone had made her blind. Dulled her instincts. She should have seen it earlier. Should have read Charlotte’s eagerness for what it was. What a fool she’d been. An easy mark swindled by a beautiful young face. The knowledge tore at her chest and shame hunched her over the counter.

On trembling hands, she rested her head. Rubbing her temples, she wished for this to be a nightmare. All she wanted was to wake up with Charlotte, their bare bodies intertwined and warmed by the fire and the rising Barcelona sun. It had been the happiest moment of her life. Her heart felt so full. With Charlotte’s head resting on her chest and her family together in the same city, everything seemed possible.

Was it a lie? Could I ever believe her if she told me it wasn’t?

Charlotte’s tear-streaked and swollen face flashed in her mind. If she’d been acting, she had more impressive chops

than Helen Mirren.

Whatever her intention at the start, Alex couldn’t deny that her tip-o about Eric was invaluable. If Charlotte had told the cops what she knew, there’d be no reason to use him. She’d freely have whatever conversation Charlotte wanted about the business. Divulge anything she asked.

Charlotte was often alone in her house; she could easily plant a recording device.

On the other hand, Eric was a dolt. If he was the centerpiece of the MDPD’s investigation, they must have no alternative.

Could her telling me be part of the plan?

Alex turned the possibility over in her mind. No matter how many ways she spun it, she couldn’t see the purpose.

Maybe add an obstruction charge?

It didn’t seem worth it, but she supposed it wasn’t impossible given the hundreds of other crimes they could charge her with and a racketeering o ense just to tie it all together.

Alex’s empty stomach soured. She didn’t want to worry about what kind of trouble Charlotte had gotten herself in if she was telling the truth. Could she really trust that detective friend of hers? How far would he go to protect her?

The lack of control was enraging. If Charlotte was to be believed, she’d developed real feelings for her, but if that was true, why hadn’t she come to her earlier? The moment she’d decided she wasn’t going to snitch.

Would that have changed things?

Alex liked to think it might, but she doubted it. No matter what she did afterward, they’d met on a lie. From the

interview to the moment they landed at the airport in Miami.

Everything had been built upon deceit. There was no way for it not to crumble on them.

The beep from the front gate ripped Alex from her spiraling thoughts. She let Stephanie in.

“What the fuck happened?” Stephanie asked as she tore in through the backdoor. “Where’s the breach?”

“Sit,” Alex motioned toward the couch, but Stephanie blew passed it.

“Sit ? I can’t. I’ve just spent the last fifteen minutes sitting when all I wanted to do was run.” She paced the spacious living room in long loops while Alex sat in one of the armchairs by the fireplace. It had been Charlotte’s favorite spot to snuggle in together, Alex remembered as the memory pierced her heart.

“Eric has been compromised,” she explained calmly. It was always easier to keep it together for someone else.

Stephanie halted mid stomp, her black hair swinging around her face as she snapped back at her. “Eric the new guy?” There was only one, but Stephanie was as surprised as Alex had been. “How? We did a hella deep dive on him. He’s as squeaky as it gets.”

“He was,” Alex agreed when Stephanie resumed her trek.

“His wife found out.”

“Shit.” She stopped behind the couch and leaned over on it. “Wait? How do you know?”

Alex took a long, cleansing breath. She needed it to make it through without breaking. If she faltered, Stephanie would get too upset. Her protective nature could lead to unintended

complications if she confronted Charlotte. It would be a delicate dance to pirouette out of this quagmire.