different, but it didn’t matter. She was still Quinn, and that was

enough to send Dallas’ head spinning, get her heart fluttering,

and turn the rest of her into a strange, melted feeling mess.

“Well,” Quinn echoed Jim when he didn’t say anything


Jim rifled through some more papers until he found what

he was looking for. When he glanced up again, it was Dallas

that he looked at, probably because he was less intimidated by


Thanks for the ego stroke, dude. Just. Thanks.

“So, Quinn, Dallas, I want to thank you both for coming


“I’m just here because I think it’s what Grampy would

have wanted me to do. He left Dallas that money because he

wanted her to have it, and if that means that I have to sign for

it with her here so that she can get it, then that’s my reason.

It’s just for Grampy, because I loved him, and I’m going to do

him this last solid.”

Jim was even more flustered after that statement.

Dallas’ heart jumped into her throat, but in that sickly

horrible kind of way that happens right before you realize

you’re going to throw up. If Quinn was trying to lay a beat

down on her, she couldn’t have done a better job if she’d

climbed on top the desk and shouted a three hour monologue

about how much she still disliked Dallas, for the entire office

to hear.

“Alright,” Jim breathed. He clearly didn’t know how to

follow that up.

To be fair, Dallas didn’t either.

“I- I just need a signature here and on a few other forms.