dress accentuated a few other things. Namely Quinn’s curvy

hips, her tight as a rock bottom, and full breasts.

Everyone always said that the best revenge is to look good.

Succeed. Be happy. If Quinn was looking for revenge, then

god, she was rocking it. She was insanely toned too. Her arms

were bare and they were toned. She somehow looked tough,

even in a floral dress and heels.

As Dallas blinked at her in amazement, Quinn’s sharp

jawline tilted up slightly, her pink lips parted, and her

eyelashes swept up and down over big blue eyes that were no

longer hidden by oversized glasses.

Dallas knew that if someone had taken her resting

heartrate at that moment, it easily would have been twice what

it normally was, or should have been. She was just thankful

that she got there first and was already sitting down. She

wasn’t certain she wouldn’t have been flat on her butt if she’d

arrived late.

“Hi,” Jim said, jumping out of his chair and nearly

stumbling in his hurry to get around the desk and shake

Quinn’s hand.

Dallas bit down on her lip to keep from smiling. She was

in no danger of laughing because she was still too much in

shock, but it was funny seeing Jim get all flustered too. If only

he knew that Quinn would never be interested.

“I’m Jim. Johnson. Erm, thank you for coming this

morning. Yes. Thank you. Uh- if you’d like to sit…” He took

Quinn’s hand when she offered it and pumped it hard.

Dallas quickly swiveled back to face Jim before Quinn

could catch her staring.

Ha. There’s small chance she didn’t notice already. Dallas