
Billy grunted. “You could always ask.”

“Thank you for trying to help me. Seriously. I love you

guys. I know that we’re siblings so maybe it’s weird that we’re

also friends, but you guys are the best friends I have. You’re

the only ones who even still know about Dallas and you’re

invested in this emotionally because of Grampy. Do you think

this is the right thing to do?”

“Grampy wasn’t senile or anything,” Billy rationalized. He

leaned forward on the couch, clasped his hands, and set them

on his knees. “He wouldn’t have put that in there just to be a

jerk. He knew how you felt. He knew about everything that

happened between you two. He must have had some other


“Maybe he wanted you guys to make up.” Danica nodded

at Billy’s statement.

“I thought about that,” Quinn admitted, even though it felt

like admitting defeat. She knew it wasn’t supposed to be that

way. It wasn’t about defeat or victory. “I know that Grampy

would never do anything to humiliate me. That’s not why he

put that clause in there. I think the only rational thing to

assume is that it was because he wanted me to make up with

Dallas. He knew that- that- I guess that her breaking things off

with me and skipping town wasn’t exactly a closure. Maybe

that’s what he was hoping for.”

“You’d think that he’d want it for all of us too. We were

like her family,” Danica put in. Aside from Quinn, she’d been

super close with Dallas. Billy hadn’t been close, close, but he

did know her and he did like her. They got along well enough.

He was like a pesky little brother for her as well.