thank you to her grampy and leaned back into Dallas. “I vote

for that option too.”



“Here? Or what about there? Or over there?”

Dallas laughed at the image Quinn made with her arms

wrapped around a giant blue Christmas tree. It was

undecorated so far. That was the only thing that could have

made it better.

It was their first Christmas in their house. Dallas had

rented out her place, then eventually sold it. She lived in an

apartment at first in Topeka, then after six months, she moved

in with Quinn. After two years, they decided that the condo

was on the small side and they’d purchased their first house

together. It wasn’t new. It was actually a fixer upper, but with

Quinn’s family helping again, they managed to do the

renovations it needed in just a couple months.

“What about here?” Quinn shifted to the right a few feet.

The living room was huge and had lots of great potential spots

to put the tree. “Or there?” Quinn pointed to a spot to the left

of the bay window that overlooked the front yard.

“I don’t know. Honestly, I think where you are standing is

the best. The cats might knock it down if we don’t tether it to

the wall, and that seems like the best spot.”

“You’re right. The cats. I forgot.”

Dallas had brought her cat, Whiskers, with her when she

moved, and they’d also adopted two kittens, an orange and

white brother and sister pair, when they bought the house.

With three cats, and two that were still young and

rambunctious, it was probably best to plan ahead for potential