for the week she was in Tampa, or pay for a taxi. It was nice of

Danica to volunteer, considering the flight was a red eye and

that meant that they were up at four in the morning.

Things didn’t look very clear at four. To be fair, things

hadn’t looked clear for the entire month.

Quinn missed Dallas like crazy. Having her leave Topeka

was like losing her all over again. She knew she was being

dramatic, because there was no way it was that bad. This time,

at least she could talk to Dallas. Which they did. Every single

day. It made the sting and ache of loss slightly easier to bear.

The distance was still very fresh for both of them. Talking

every night only reminded them that they couldn’t be there in

person. Talking wasn’t the same as touching. Holding. Loving.

Not that Quinn would have given it up. She wouldn’t have.

It just hurt. So. Freaking. Much.

Which made her totally confused. She’d been confused

since Dallas left. She was probably confused before that. She

told herself over and over that it could work. That they could

work. That they would work. She told herself that if they cared

about each other and were committed to trying, then

everything would be fine.

Except that it didn’t feel fine and things didn’t feel like

they were actually going to work out.

Quinn’s doubts grew with every single day. Even after she

booked a week off work to go to Tampa, the doubts kept

growing and kept getting worse. While she was excited to see

Dallas again, the endless thoughts kept picking at her brain.

They were picking at her heart too, if she was honest.

“Quinn! What are you doing? Are you okay?”

Quinn was glad her sister hadn’t just dumped her at the