“I like that better too. The best. Of anything.”

Quinn thought about asking Dallas if she wanted to cancel

their plans, but she wanted to have this time together. They’d

never been out to any sort of pub together, to a band, or

anything like that, since before they were under age and they’d

never actually tried to sneak in anywhere or use a fake ID.

They were never into partying, either of them. This seemed

like a treat. It was something that Quinn would never do on

her own and it felt so special to be able to share it with Dallas,

even if it might be trivial to anyone else.

It felt like an honor to get in her car, together, and drive

them somewhere. It felt almost normal. Quinn knew that if

they were going to do this, dating, it would be hard. She

wouldn’t have Dallas here beside her. They’d have to figure

things out, but that was a classic case of easier said than done.

She had her whole family here in Topeka- at least her

immediate family. She had her friends here. She didn’t really

care about her job. She’d be willing to change it in a heartbeat,

but she’d have to figure out a way to support herself. She’d

also have to deal with her condo, which she really liked since

she and her family put all that hard work into it, and deal with

changing states including all the paperwork for her car, her

driver’s license, her insurance, everything. It was totally

overwhelming when she thought about it like that.

She thought about Dallas moving back, but Quinn

knew that it would be hard for Dallas unless her parents came

with her. Dallas didn’t have siblings. Her parents were pretty

much the only family she had and Quinn would never ask

Dallas to abandon them. Dallas had said that her parents had

good jobs. The chances of them leaving their home and their