Quinn’s face and deepened the kiss, sweeping her tongue

against Quinn’s until Quinn was the one vibrating and pressing

her hips against the bar stool.

“Upstairs?” Dallas panted.

Quinn wasn’t sure, but sure, but she figured that Dallas


probably meant the bedroom. She didn’t know where it was,

but it was a good guess. Quinn thought about her queen sized

bed up there. She thought about a few other things too. She

had a collection of toys that she’d love to try with Dallas, but

she put the brakes on that fantasy pretty fast. She didn’t want

to scare Dallas off and it was pretty early to suggest something

like that.

She consoled herself with the fact that they’d have

time. They were doing this. They would see each other again.

They could date, even if they weren’t in the same city, and

they could travel. Maybe next time she’d ask Dallas. Quinn

realized, with a bit of a start, that she had no idea what Dallas

actually liked when it came to things like that. Maybe she’d

find the suggestion terrible, but Quinn doubted it. If Dallas

was uncomfortable, maybe Quinn could find a way to show

her what she liked by letting her use them on her first.

There was lots of time.

Quinn told herself that over and over. Lots. Of. Time.

They weren’t over. There wasn’t an ending. She wanted this.

Dallas wanted it. They could make it work. She didn’t have to

panic and cram a decade of missing Dallas into a single day.

She didn’t have to panic and cram another decade of missing

Dallas in the future into one day either.

They were going to be okay.