Dallas? I like the alliteration of that. Or there’s Damn Dallas,

Disgusting Dallas, Danger Dallas, Decayed Dallas, Deceiver

Dallas, Decrepit Dallas, Degenerate Dallas-”

“Stoooooopppppp! No! I don’t want to actually say her

name. That’s the point.”

“I can’t believe we haven’t done this before. Evil

nicknames are so much better than saying you know who.”

Danica looked way too excited. “Douche Canoe Bugaloo.”

“Oh lord.” Quinn couldn’t keep a straight face. “I think

maybe you know who is better. This is just turning foul.”

“Mom’s not around.”

“Still.” All three of the Smyth kids had been trained not to

swear around their mom. She basically thought it was the

world’s greatest evil. No one shared that opinion, but they

were careful to keep swears and other vulgar words under

wraps when they went back to the house. “I don’t want to talk

about her. She’s not going to call.”

“I bet you five bucks she’ll call.”

“She won’t call. I have a new number anyway. She won’t.”

“The landline is still the same at home.”

“She would never call there. She probably figures that I

moved out years ago and would get a chewing out from mom

or dad.”

“Probably. But maybe she’ll risk it. I think she’ll want to

talk to you. She’ll probably say that she wants to give you a

freaking sympathy card or some bull crap.”

“Hmm. No. She’s too insensitive for that. She’ll just come,

collect the money, and get the heck out of town.”

“Go back to the hole she crawled out of?”

“Stop. I’ve made my peace where you know who is