before she left. It was a shock, and she was pretty close to

Grampy when she was here. She was probably upset and grief

can make people do funny things. Maybe she just couldn’t

handle sitting down and trying to talk it out with anyone

before she left. Maybe she didn’t know enough to explain

everything and thought it would be better later, even if she had

to make an excuse or lie to them about where she was before

she left.”

“It doesn’t make any sense. If they support her then-”

“Like I said. Shock and grief can make people do

strange things. Her parents probably would have asked her a

ton of questions and if she was already trying to get time off

work figured out, a plane ticket, the lawyer, plus all the stuff

from the past that would be complicated to get into…”


“Did you feel like she was lying to you or did you just

get upset right away because it pressed on all the wrong



“It doesn’t sound like she wants to run. Or hurt you.

She sounds like she does want to do what she said there. Fight

for you. Maybe you should hear her out. What’s the worst that

could happen?”

“Do I need to answer that?”

“I think that’s already happened.” Danica stood. “If


; you want to have that pee now, or your number two, you can

go now. I’ll leave you alone.”

Quinn rolled her eyes, but before Danica could reach

the door, she whispered a thank you. Danica left the door open