Danica and her friends were in the living room. Billy was

there, with a blonde, petite woman sitting beside him. Likely

his girlfriend.

“Quinn’s in the kitchen,” Katrina said in low tones. “I can

take your gift, if you’d like.”

“Thanks.” Dallas handed over the gift bag, and then, after

a moment’s pause, passed Billy’s hat over too. Katrina took

that as well, without asking how Dallas had come to have it.

“Ashton is barbequing a thousand burgers outside. I’m

not sure how he thinks we’re going to eat all that, but he’s

grilling it all anyway. I’ll give you two a few minutes before I

come back into the kitchen and get in your hair setting the


Dallas nodded. She didn’t like to use the phrase choked up

because it was so overdone, but she did feel choked. Painfully

so. Her nose burned and her eyes prickled and she knew the

tears were close. She walked through the hall, past the living

room, around into the kitchen. The house opened up there with

the kitchen to the right, the basement stairs to the left. If she

walked through the kitchen and dining area, she’d be back in

the large living room. The bedrooms were down the hall from


Quinn whirled when she heard Dallas’ soft steps on the

laminate flooring. It had been white when they were kids, with

little squares and flowers at the juncture of each printed

border, but now it was yellowed with age and worn down in

the heavy traffic areas.

Most of the appliances in the kitchen seemed to be the

same. The fridge looked different, without all the drawings,

photos, and art projects. There were still some photos, but it