realized that she was going to get cornered and forced into an

explanation shortly, as soon as Dallas wasn’t around, and she

had zero excuses to give her sister other than she’d done what

she wanted to do in the moment. No, it wasn’t planned, and

no, she would never regret it. No, she had no idea what was

coming next and yes, she was slightly afraid about that. By

slightly, she actually meant a whole lot.

She could understand how Danica would see this as

playing with fire or opening Pandora’s Box. Or worse. Quinn

just couldn’t think of any worse token comparisons at the


True to her word, Dallas paid for everyone. The group

moved outside. With their cold treats and the shade from the

building out front, the sun was actually bearable.

“I wish I could have had a cool summer job like that,”

Shayna said as she licked her ice cream in a circular pattern.

No drips for her.

“That would have been fun, but god, it would be sooo

tempting. I’d probably end up eating ice cream all day.”

“What’s wrong with that?” Trudy asked Steph.

“That should be obvious,” Trudy laughed.

Danica sipped her shake loudly. “I think after a while

you’d get tired of it.”

“That’s sacrilege,” Trudy protested.

Steph shook her head in a hard denial. “Never.”

“I think you’d have so much sugar you’d start craving salt.

Fries or burgers or something.”

“Why not both?”

Danica saluted with her shake. “Touché.”

Quinn stuck her tongue out for the first lick. Since she’d