“So you know that it’s a little late for careful.”

“It’s not too late. You can sleep with someone and not get

emotionally invested. Please tell me that it was revenge sex or

something and not really strange, decade long distance make

up sex.”


“Quinn. Please.”

“You know, I think I’m going to try their flavour of the

day. Gumball grape. Sounds interesting.”

“That sounds like it would give you a stomach ache. So


“Hey!” Dallas’ voice broke up their conversation.

Quinn sighed in relief. Danica gave her a look that

promised their conversation was far from over.

“I did lose. I guess I should probably be the one wearing

that hat now.”

Quinn was more than happy to peel Billy’s nasty ball cap

off her head and let Dallas have it. She smoothed back her flat

hair with her fingers, fluffing it off her head. Skullets might be

a thing for some people, but she had no desire to rock one. She

checked her reflection in the big glass window. Thankfully, her

fingers had done the trick.

Dallas popped the hat on and smiled like she didn’t mind

wearing the gross thing at all. Quinn thought that it smelled

like sweat, but maybe she was just imagining that because her

brother wore it all the time. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Probably stopped in traffic,” Danica said.

Quinn looked out the window again. “Nope. I see them.

They’re coming.”

“Thank goodness. It’s hot. I need a milkshake at the very